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AFD-200 Exam Dumps - Flutter Certified Application Developer

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Exam Code: AFD-200

Exam Name: Flutter Certified Application Developer

Certification Provider: Android

Corresponding Certifications: Flutter Application Development , Android Certification


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Android AFD-200 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Android AFD-200 Exam!

AFD-200 is an Android certification exam offered by Google. It is designed to test the knowledge and skills of Android developers in developing, deploying, and managing Android applications. The exam covers topics such as Android architecture, application development, user interface design, and security.

What is the Duration of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The duration of the Android AFD-200 exam is 2 hours.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Android AFD-200 Exam?

There are 200 questions in the Android AFD-200 Exam.

What is the Passing Score for Android AFD-200 Exam?

The passing score required for the Android AFD-200 exam is 70%.

What is the Competency Level required for Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Android AFD-200 exam is designed to assess the competency level of an Android developer. The exam covers topics such as Android application development, Android user interface design, Android security, and Android performance optimization. To pass the exam, a candidate must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the Android platform and its associated technologies. The exam is divided into two parts: the Core Android Development and the Advanced Android Development. The Core Android Development section covers topics such as Android application architecture, Android user interface design, Android security, and Android performance optimization. The Advanced Android Development section covers topics such as Android application development, Android user interface design, Android security, and Android performance optimization. To pass the exam, a candidate must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the Android platform and its associated technologies.

What is the Question Format of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Android AFD-200 Exam has a multiple-choice format. Each question has four possible answers, and test-takers must select the correct answer to receive points.

How Can You Take Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Android AFD-200 exam can be taken online using the Google Play Store or the Android Developers website. The exam can also be taken at a testing center. The test center option requires the candidate to schedule an appointment and pay a fee to take the exam.

What Language Android AFD-200 Exam is Offered?

The Android AFD-200 Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The cost of the Android AFD-200 exam varies depending on the provider. Generally, the exam costs between $150 and $200.

What is the Target Audience of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Target Audience of the Android AFD-200 Exam is developers and IT professionals who want to demonstrate their ability to develop, deploy, and maintain applications using Android tools and technologies.

What is the Average Salary of Android AFD-200 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for an Android AFD-200 certified professional varies depending on the role and the experience of the individual. Generally speaking, salaries for certified Android professionals tend to be higher than for non-certified professionals. The exact salary range for Android AFD-200 certified professionals is difficult to determine, as it can vary depending on the company, location, and other factors.

Who are the Testing Providers of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Android AFD-200 exam is administered by Google. They are the only organization that can provide testing for the exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Android AFD-200 Exam?

The recommended experience for the Android AFD-200 exam includes two or more years of experience developing Android applications using Java and the Android SDK. It is also recommended to have experience with Android user interface design principles and usage patterns, including navigation and interaction models, as well as experience with Android development tools such as Android Studio and Gradle. Additionally, experience with integration and development of cloud-enabled Android applications, including security and performance considerations, is highly recommended.

What are the Prerequisites of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Prerequisite for the Android AFD-200 Exam is the completion of the Android AFD-100 Exam.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The official website for Android AFD-200 exam does not provide information about the expected retirement date. You can contact the exam provider directly to find out more information about the exam.

What is the Difficulty Level of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The difficulty level of the Android AFD-200 exam is Advanced.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Android AFD-200 Exam?

The Android AFD-200 exam is an intermediate-level certification exam for Android developers. It is designed to assess a developer’s knowledge of the Android platform and its associated technologies. The exam covers topics such as Android architecture, app development, user interface design, and testing. It is part of the Android Certified Application Developer (ACAD) certification track, which is a comprehensive program designed to help developers gain the skills and knowledge needed to become an Android application developer. The ACAD certification track consists of three exams: the AFD-200, the AFD-300, and the AFD-400. The AFD-200 is the first exam in the track and is a prerequisite for the other two exams.

What are the Topics Android AFD-200 Exam Covers?

The Android AFD-200 exam covers the following topics:

1. Android Platform Architecture: This topic covers the fundamentals of the Android platform architecture, including the Android OS, the Linux kernel, and the Android SDK.

2. Android Application Development: This topic covers the fundamentals of Android application development, including the Android SDK, the Android Development Tools, and the Android APIs.

3. Android Security: This topic covers the fundamentals of Android security, including the Android Security Model, the Android Security Framework, and the Android Security APIs.

4. Android Device Administration: This topic covers the fundamentals of Android device administration, including the Android Device Manager, the Android Device Administration APIs, and the Android Device Administration Tools.

5. Android Cloud Services: This topic covers the fundamentals of Android cloud services, including the Android Cloud Platform, the Android Cloud APIs, and the Android Cloud Services.

6. Android Performance Tuning: This topic covers the fundamentals of

What are the Sample Questions of Android AFD-200 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Android Application Framework (AFD)?
2. What are the different types of Android components?
3. What are the steps involved in creating an Android application?
4. How do you use the Android manifest file to define application components?
5. How do you use the Android SDK to test an application?
6. What is the difference between an Activity and a Service in Android?
7. How do you debug an Android application?
8. What is the role of the Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android development?
9. How do you create an Android user interface?
10. What is the Android security model and how does it work?


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Dec 19, 2023

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Dec 16, 2023

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Dec 11, 2023

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Dec 07, 2023

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Dec 06, 2023

Pronto para conquistar o exame AFD-200? DumpsArena é o seu bilhete para o sucesso. Libere seu potencial com materiais de estudo de primeira linha e seja aprovado no exame com confiança. Visite DumpsArena agora e deixe a vitória acontecer.
United States
Dec 01, 2023

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Nov 29, 2023

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Nov 23, 2023

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Nov 22, 2023

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Nov 22, 2023

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