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300-101 Exam Dumps - CCNP Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE v2.0)

Reliable Study Materials & Testing Engine for 300-101 Exam Success!

Exam Code: 300-101

Exam Name: CCNP Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE v2.0)

Certification Provider: Cisco

Corresponding Certifications: CCDP , CCNP Routing and Switching


Verified By IT Certified Experts

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300-101: CCNP Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE v2.0) Study Material and Test Engine

Last Update Check: Mar 19, 2025

Latest 855 Questions & Answers

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8 Lectures (1 Hours) - Overview
Last Week Results
43 Customers Passed Cisco 300-101 Exam
Average Score In Real Exam
Questions came word for word from this dump

What is in the Premium File?

Topic 1, Network Principles
13 Questions
Topic 2, Layer 2 Technologies
8 Questions
Topic 3, Layer 3 Technologies
34 Questions
Topic 4, VPN Technologies
8 Questions
Topic 5, Infrastructure Security
9 Questions
Topic 6, Infrastructure Services
24 Questions
Topic 7, Mix Questions
759 Questions
Single Choices
577 Questions
Multiple Choices
216 Questions
Drag Drops
49 Questions
Fill in Blanks
3 Questions
10 Questions

Cisco 300-101 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Cisco 300-101 Exam!

The Cisco 300-101 exam is part of the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Routing and Switching certification. It tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to implementing Cisco IP Routing, which includes configuring, verifying, and troubleshooting of complex enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions.

What is the Duration of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of approximately 55-65 questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Cisco 300-101 Exam?

There are approximately 90-110 questions on the Cisco 300-101 exam.

What is the Passing Score for Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The passing score for the Cisco 300-101 exam is 825 out of 1000.

What is the Competency Level required for Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 exam is part of the CCNP Routing and Switching certification. To pass this exam, you must have a good understanding of routing protocols, switching technologies, and network security. You should also have a good understanding of IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and routing protocols, as well as the ability to configure, verify, and troubleshoot networks.

What is the Question Format of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 exam is a 90-minute exam that consists of multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions.

How Can You Take Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 exam is available online and at testing centers. Candidates can register for the exam online through Pearson VUE and take the exam at a local testing center. The exam is also available online through Cisco's Learning Network Store. Once a candidate has registered for the exam, they can take the exam anytime within their scheduled appointment.

What Language Cisco 300-101 Exam is Offered?

The Cisco 300-101 exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The cost of the Cisco 300-101 exam is $300 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The target audience of the Cisco 300-101 Exam is networking professionals who have experience and knowledge in routing and switching technologies and who want to prepare for the CCNP Routing and Switching certification.

What is the Average Salary of Cisco 300-101 Certified in the Market?

The average salary after obtaining a Cisco 300-101 exam certification is around $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 exam can be taken and tested at Pearson VUE testing centers. Pearson VUE is the official testing provider for Cisco exams.

What is the Recommended Experience for Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The recommended experience for the Cisco 300-101 exam is three to five years of experience implementing Cisco IP routing networks in an enterprise environment. The exam covers topics such as: IP routing protocols, IP services, network device security, network device management, and troubleshooting. It is recommended that individuals have a strong understanding of these topics prior to taking the exam.

What are the Prerequisites of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The prerequisite for the Cisco 300-101 exam is a valid Cisco CCNP Routing and Switching certification.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The official website for checking the expected retirement date of Cisco 300-101 exam is https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/s/exam-retirement-dates.

What is the Difficulty Level of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The difficulty level of the Cisco 300-101 exam is considered to be moderate to difficult.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

The Cisco 300-101 Exam is part of the CCNP Routing and Switching certification track. It tests a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to implementing Cisco IP Routing. The exam covers topics such as configuring, verifying and troubleshooting EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, routing protocols, WAN technologies, and more. Successful completion of the 300-101 exam is a prerequisite for the CCNP Routing and Switching certification.

What are the Topics Cisco 300-101 Exam Covers?

The Cisco 300-101 exam covers the following topics:

1. Routing Protocols and Concepts: This section covers the fundamentals of routing protocols and concepts, such as RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP.

2. Infrastructure Services: This section covers topics related to the implementation and troubleshooting of network services such as DHCP, NAT, SNMP, QoS, and IPv6.

3. Infrastructure Security: This section covers topics related to the implementation and troubleshooting of network security, such as ACLs, Cisco IOS security features, and VPN technologies.

4. Infrastructure Management: This section covers topics related to the implementation and troubleshooting of network management, such as Cisco IOS tools, syslog, and NetFlow.

5. WAN Technologies: This section covers topics related to the implementation and troubleshooting of WAN technologies, such as Frame Relay, ISDN, DSL, and Metro Ethernet.

What are the Sample Questions of Cisco 300-101 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the ip route command in a Cisco router?
2. What is the difference between EIGRP and OSPF?
3. How does a router determine the best path for a packet?
4. What is the purpose of the access list command?
5. How do you configure a static route in a Cisco router?
6. How can you configure a router to use multiple routing protocols?
7. What is the purpose of the ip ospf network command?
8. How do you configure a DHCP server on a Cisco router?
9. What is the purpose of the ip nat inside source command?
10. How do you configure a Cisco router to filter traffic?

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If you are an IT professional with years of experience then you need to get your skills verified with the help of an appropriate certification exam according to your relevant field from a globally recognized IT vendor. In this modern era of Technology where every field of life has been mobilized, similarly, there are thousands of technological advancements happening in the field of IT that's why every well-known IT company prefers to hire individuals with updated knowledge. The best way to validate your knowledge and skills is the certification exams from leading IT vendors in the industry. These certification exams will test your knowledge according to the latest advancements in your relevant field so that they can provide you an authorized certification that can verify your skills. DumpsArena is an ultimate platform that is providing up to date study material related to several popular certification exams from various IT vendors so that you can prepare effectively without seeking any assistance from an unauthentic platform. We are providing 100% authentic dumps related to several certification exams such as Cisco CCNP Route 300-101. However, preparing for these certification exams requires years of book study and manual research which is quite difficult to manage especially when you are working as a full time IT professional. You can avoid all these hassles of preparation with the help of our dumps that includes questions from the actual exam along with their verified answers.

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CCNP Route 300-101 Overview

Implementing Cisco IP routing is a quite popular certification exam that validates the knowledge and skills of candidates related to routing. This certification exam will help the individuals to certify their skills related to advance IP addressing and routing implementation of Cisco routers connected to IPv6, LAN, WAN, etc... This exam covers a wide range of routing solutions in the configuration. In our provided dumps, we have covered the most important parts of the syllabus including network principles, and infrastructure security-related topics. Our teams of professionals have covered all those particular high-level topics that will help the individuals to build network Infrastructures in no time. If you have a relevant field then passing CCNP 300-101 certification exam will double your worth in your company because individuals with certification are always preferred than those individuals with outdated knowledge. We strongly believe that you will be able to pass your CCNP 300 - 101 certification exam without facing any difficulties while preparing from our dumps. We are offering a 100% money-back guarantee because we have a strong faith in our provided study material that covers every topic of the syllabus with a detailed overview so that you can also clear your concepts.


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CCNP 300-101 exam dumps are prepared according to the highest possible standards of accuracy as we have spent years of research to find the most relevant study material for your needs. On DumpsArena, you can easily access all the dumps related to any of the popular IT vendors without any hassle. Our CCN 300-101 preparation material will provide you everything that you will need to attempt the final certification exam. As soon as you will complete your purchase we will provide you instant download without any inconvenience. We are using one of the safest payment gateways to make sure that all your private information is fully secured and will not be shared with anyone. We have served thousands of satisfied customers till now, and fortunately, all of them are now at the peak of their career just because of these certifications. You will be also likely to get 2x more salary in your company and the chances of your job promotion will also increase once you have managed to get a certification from a leading IT vendors like Cisco. Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you are having any error or bug while using our services. We wish you all the best for your upcoming CCNP 300-101 certification exam.

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Feb 22, 2023

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Generally speaking, CISCO 300-101 Test Dumps are a significant asset for IT experts hoping to plan for the CISCO 300-101 Test.
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United Kingdom
Feb 20, 2023

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South Korea
Feb 20, 2023

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South Korea
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United States
Feb 20, 2023

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Feb 20, 2023

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Feb 19, 2023

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South Korea
Feb 19, 2023

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South Korea
Feb 19, 2023

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Feb 19, 2023

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South Korea
Feb 19, 2023

The certification covers updated including identity and up-to-date control, networking and encryption, information control, and auditing/logging/incident reaction.

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