700-265 Exam Dumps - Advanced Security Architecture for Account Managers
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Exam Code: 700-265
Exam Name: Advanced Security Architecture for Account Managers
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name: Cisco Specialist

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Cisco 700-265 Exam FAQs
Introduction of Cisco 700-265 Exam!
The Cisco 700-265 exam is a Cisco Advanced Security Architecture for System Engineers (ASASE) exam. It is designed to test a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the design, implementation, and troubleshooting of Cisco security solutions. The exam covers topics such as secure access, secure routing and switching, secure data center, secure wireless, and secure cloud.
What is the Duration of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The Cisco 700-265 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 65-75 multiple-choice questions.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in Cisco 700-265 Exam?
There are 60 questions in the Cisco 700-265 exam.
What is the Passing Score for Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The passing score for the Cisco 700-265 exam is 700 out of 1000.
What is the Competency Level required for Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The Cisco 700-265 exam is an intermediate-level exam that requires a good understanding of Cisco security technologies and concepts. Candidates should have a minimum of two years of experience in the field of network security and be familiar with the Cisco Security portfolio.
What is the Question Format of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The Cisco 700-265 exam consists of multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and scenario-based questions.
How Can You Take Cisco 700-265 Exam?
Cisco 700-265 is a professional-level certification exam that focuses on Cisco Security Architecture. This exam can be taken either in a testing center or online. To take the exam in a testing center, candidates must first register on the Cisco website and pay the exam fee. The exam can be taken at any Pearson VUE testing center. To take the exam online, candidates must register on the Cisco website and purchase the online proctored exam voucher. Once purchased, candidates can access the online proctored exam and take the exam from the comfort of their own home.
What Language Cisco 700-265 Exam is Offered?
Cisco 700-265 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The cost of the Cisco 700-265 exam is $250 USD.
What is the Target Audience of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The target audience of the Cisco 700-265 exam is network administrators and engineers who have a basic understanding of how to configure and manage Cisco networks. The exam is designed to validate the skills and knowledge necessary to implement, maintain, and troubleshoot Cisco Meraki solutions.
What is the Average Salary of Cisco 700-265 Certified in the Market?
The exact salary you can earn after completing the Cisco 700-265 exam will depend on a variety of factors, such as your experience level, the job role you are applying for, and the industry you are in. Generally speaking, however, professionals who have completed the Cisco 700-265 exam can expect to earn an average salary of around $90,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
Cisco Systems provides authorized testing for the 700-265 exam. The exam is administered by Pearson VUE and can be taken at any of their testing centers worldwide.
What is the Recommended Experience for Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The recommended experience for the Cisco 700-265 exam is a minimum of two years of experience in the field of network security. This includes experience with Cisco Security technologies and products, such as Cisco Firepower, Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP), Cisco Stealthwatch, Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), and Cisco Umbrella.
What are the Prerequisites of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The Prerequisite for Cisco 700-265 Exam is a valid CCNA Security certification.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The official website for Cisco 700-265 exam is https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/exams/current-list/700-265.html. You can check the details regarding the exam such as the retirement date, exam topics, and other related information.
What is the Difficulty Level of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The difficulty level of the Cisco 700-265 exam is considered to be intermediate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
The Cisco 700-265 Exam is a certification track and roadmap for Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Security certification. It is designed to validate a candidate's skills and knowledge in implementing and managing Cisco security solutions. The exam covers topics such as secure access, secure infrastructure, secure mobility, secure web, secure email, and secure data. Successful completion of the exam will demonstrate a candidate's ability to design, implement, and troubleshoot secure networks.
What are the Topics Cisco 700-265 Exam Covers?
The Cisco 700-265 exam covers topics related to the Cisco Security Architecture for System Engineers. The topics covered include:
1. Cisco Security Solutions: This topic covers the different Cisco security solutions available, such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and web security. It also covers how to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot these solutions.
2. Network Security Technologies: This topic covers the different network security technologies available, such as encryption, authentication, access control, and network segmentation. It also covers how to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot these technologies.
3. Security Management and Compliance: This topic covers the different security management and compliance standards available, such as ISO 27001 and NIST 800-53. It also covers how to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot these standards.
4. Endpoint Security: This topic covers the different endpoint security solutions available, such as anti-virus, anti-malware,
What are the Sample Questions of Cisco 700-265 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of Cisco Advanced Malware Protection?
2. What features are included in Cisco IPS?
3. How can Cisco ISE be used to detect and prevent malicious activity?
4. How can Cisco AMP be used to protect against zero-day threats?
5. How can Cisco Firepower be used to protect against advanced persistent threats?
6. What is the purpose of Cisco Identity Services Engine?
7. What are the components of Cisco's SecureX platform?
8. How can Cisco Firepower Threat Defense be used to detect and respond to security threats?
9. What is the difference between Cisco ISE and Cisco Identity Services Engine?
10. What are the benefits of using Cisco TrustSec for network security?
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