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700-751 Exam Dumps - Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview

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Exam Code: 700-751

Exam Name: Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview

Certification Provider: Cisco

Corresponding Certifications: Express Specialization - SMB Track , Cisco Other Certification


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Cisco 700-751 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Cisco 700-751 Exam!

The Cisco 700-751 exam is a Cisco Certified Specialist - Data Center Application Services exam. It is designed to test a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the design, implementation, and troubleshooting of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) solutions.

What is the Duration of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Cisco 700-751 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60-70 questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Cisco 700-751 Exam?

There are 60 questions in the Cisco 700-751 exam.

What is the Passing Score for Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The passing score for the Cisco 700-751 exam is 700 out of 1000.

What is the Competency Level required for Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Cisco 700-751 exam is an intermediate-level exam. It is recommended that candidates have at least one to two years of experience in designing, deploying, and troubleshooting Cisco networks. Candidates should also have a good understanding of Cisco technologies, such as routing, switching, security, and wireless.

What is the Question Format of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Cisco 700-751 exam consists of multiple choice, drag and drop, fill in the blank, and multiple response questions.

How Can You Take Cisco 700-751 Exam?

Cisco 700-751 exam is available in both online and testing center formats. Candidates can choose to take the exam online via the Pearson VUE platform or in a testing center. Those who choose to take the exam online will receive their results immediately after submitting the exam. Those who take the exam in a testing center must wait for their results to be mailed to them.

What Language Cisco 700-751 Exam is Offered?

The Cisco 700-751 exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The cost of the Cisco 700-751 exam is $150 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The target audience of the Cisco 700-751 exam is IT professionals who have at least one year of experience with Cisco Meraki Security Manager, including the deployment and configuration of Meraki Security Manager, Meraki Security Appliances, and Meraki Systems Manager. It is also intended for individuals who have knowledge of Meraki’s mobile device management, identity management, and security policies.

What is the Average Salary of Cisco 700-751 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for someone with a Cisco 700-751 certification is around $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Cisco 700-751 exam is available for purchase through Pearson VUE, which is the exclusive provider for Cisco exams. Pearson VUE offers online and in-person proctored testing for the 700-751 exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The recommended experience for the Cisco 700-751 exam is at least one to two years of experience in implementing Cisco Video Infrastructure solutions. This includes knowledge and hands-on experience with Cisco Meeting Server, Cisco TelePresence Server, Cisco TelePresence Management Suite, and Cisco Expressway. Additionally, familiarity with Cisco Collaboration endpoints such as Cisco DX, SX, MX, and Webex Room Series is also recommended.

What are the Prerequisites of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Prerequisite for Cisco 700-751 Exam is having a strong knowledge of Cisco Networking fundamentals and an understanding of the basic principles and technologies of the Cisco Meraki portfolio.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The official website for Cisco 700-751 exam is https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/exams/current-list/700-751.html. You can find the expected retirement date of the exam on this page.

What is the Difficulty Level of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The difficulty level of the Cisco 700-751 exam is considered to be moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

The Cisco 700-751 exam is part of the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Enterprise certification track. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to enterprise networking technologies such as routing, switching, network security, and automation. It is a prerequisite for the CCNP Enterprise certification and is a core exam in the CCNP Enterprise track. The exam covers topics such as network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, security fundamentals, automation, and network programmability.

What are the Topics Cisco 700-751 Exam Covers?

The Cisco 700-751 exam covers the following topics:

1. Network Security Fundamentals: This topic covers the basics of network security, such as authentication, authorization, encryption, and public key infrastructure.

2. Network Security Protocols: This topic covers the protocols used to secure a network, such as IPSec, SSL/TLS, and SSH.

3. Network Security Architecture: This topic covers the architecture of a secure network, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks.

4. Network Security Solutions: This topic covers the solutions used to secure a network, such as antivirus, anti-spam, and content filtering.

5. Network Security Management: This topic covers the management of a secure network, such as user authentication and access control.

What are the Sample Questions of Cisco 700-751 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Cisco Expressway Series?
2. How can you configure Cisco Expressway Series to provide secure remote access?
3. What are the benefits of using the Cisco Expressway Series for enterprise collaboration?
4. What is the role of Cisco Unified Communications Manager in the Cisco Expressway Series?
5. What are the features and benefits of Cisco Expressway Series for WebEx?
6. What are the security considerations for deploying Cisco Expressway Series?
7. What are the best practices for troubleshooting and deploying Cisco Expressway Series?
8. How can you use Cisco Expressway Series to improve collaboration between remote workers?
9. How can you use Cisco Expressway Series to securely access cloud applications?
10. What are the key differences between Cisco Expressway Series and other Unified Communications solutions?


* The most recent comments are at the top
Juan Sebastian Ramirez
May 29, 2024

DumpsArena’s Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview is a must-have for IT professionals. This detailed guide covers everything from product selection to deployment, ensuring a seamless integration into any business infrastructure.
Kenneth L
May 28, 2024

DumpsArena's 700-751 dumps are a game-changer! The comprehensive and accurate questions helped me understand the exam format and boosted my confidence. A must-have resource for anyone aiming to pass the exam.
Sanjuana R
United States
May 16, 2024

I recently used the 700-751 dumps from DumpsArena, and they exceeded my expectations. The material was well-organized and up-to-date, making my preparation smooth and efficient. Highly recommended!
Adrian Guzman
United Kingdom
May 16, 2024

With the Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview from DumpsArena, navigating the world of SMB networking is a breeze. The clear, concise information provided is perfect for enhancing your technical knowledge and business operations.
Paul N
May 13, 2024

The 700-751 dumps from DumpsArena were instrumental in my exam success. The detailed explanations and real-world scenarios provided in the dumps ensured I was thoroughly prepared. Excellent study material!
Jose Francisco Perez
South Africa
May 04, 2024

The Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview from DumpsArena is an invaluable resource for small to medium businesses. It offers a comprehensive guide that simplifies complex concepts, making it essential for efficient network management.
Madeline Brodie
United States
Jun 16, 2021

I haven't needed anything else since I started using DumpsArena. There isn't even a book on the subject. Similarly, for my Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview exam, I used DumpsArena's Cisco 700-751 exam dumps and studied only from them. I was able to grasp the ideas and memorize them in a short period of time, which prompted me to begin practicing the questions, which aided my exam-taking style. I received an 89.4 percent on the exam. Overall, DumpsArena's exam dumps have met my expectations.
Jeremy McKinlay
United States
Jun 16, 2021

With DumpsArena on my side, it has proven to be a very useful asset in helping me pass my Cisco tests. I just used their service and acquired Cisco 700-751 exam dumps from them for my Cisco SMB Product and Positioning Technical Overview exam. I studied the exam dumps well, but having the test engine with all of the questions and case studies from the final exam was the largest advantage. Simply put, I aced the exam the first time around!
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