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Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam Dumps - Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam

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Exam Code: Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist

Exam Name: Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam

Certification Provider: Databricks

Certification Exam Name: Databricks Certification


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Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist: Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam Study Material and Test Engine

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Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam FAQs

Introduction of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam!

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam is a comprehensive exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in data science, machine learning, and Apache Spark. The exam covers topics such as data wrangling, data exploration, data visualization, machine learning, and Apache Spark. The exam is designed to assess a candidate's ability to apply data science techniques to real-world problems.

What is the Duration of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist exam is a 2-hour online proctored exam.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

There are a total of 60 questions on the Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam.

What is the Passing Score for Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The passing score for the Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam is 70%.

What is the Competency Level required for Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam requires a competency level of professional Data Scientist. This level of competency includes an understanding of the principles and techniques of data science, including data wrangling, feature engineering, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics. It also requires experience in the use of Databricks tools and technologies, such as Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and MLFlow.

What is the Question Format of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam consists of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and drag-and-drop questions.

How Can You Take Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam can be taken online or at a testing center. To take the exam online, you will need to register for an account at the Databricks website and purchase an exam voucher. Once you have purchased the voucher, you will be able to access the exam and take it at your own pace. To take the exam at a testing center, you will need to register for an exam at a Pearson VUE testing center. You will need to bring a valid form of identification and your exam voucher to the testing center.

What Language Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam is Offered?

The Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam is offered at a cost of $250 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The target audience of the Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist exam is professionals with at least two years of experience in data science, analytics, or related disciplines who have a strong understanding of the principles of data science, machine learning, and data engineering, and who have experience working with Databricks.

What is the Average Salary of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a Data Scientist with a Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist certification is around $120,000 per year. However, salaries can vary depending on experience, location, and other factors.

Who are the Testing Providers of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam is provided by the Databricks Academy. The exam is proctored online and requires a secure internet connection and webcam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The recommended experience for the Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam is a minimum of five years of hands-on experience with data science, machine learning, and big data technologies. Knowledge of Apache Spark, Python, and SQL, as well as experience with distributed computing and cloud-based technologies, is also recommended.

What are the Prerequisites of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Prerequisite for Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam is a basic understanding of Databricks, Data Science and Machine Learning fundamentals. Candidates must also have a working knowledge of Python, SQL, and Big Data technologies.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The official website to check the expected retirement date of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist exam is https://www.databricks.com/certification/exam-retirement-dates.

What is the Difficulty Level of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The difficulty level of the Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam is considered to be intermediate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

The Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam is a certification track and roadmap developed by Databricks, a cloud-based data platform. This certification track is designed to validate an individual’s proficiency in data science, including topics such as data wrangling, machine learning, and data visualization. The exam covers a broad range of topics and is designed to assess an individual’s ability to apply data science principles and techniques to solve real-world problems. The certification is a great way to demonstrate proficiency in the field of data science and is a valuable asset for those looking to advance their careers in the field.

What are the Topics Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam Covers?

The Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist exam covers the following topics:

1. Data Manipulation: This covers the basics of manipulating data using Spark SQL, DataFrames, and Databricks Delta. This includes topics such as joins, filters, and aggregations.

2. Data Visualization: This covers the basics of creating visualizations using Databricks notebooks. This includes topics such as plotting data, creating charts, and using tools such as matplotlib.

3. Machine Learning: This covers the basics of machine learning using Spark MLlib. This includes topics such as supervised and unsupervised learning, model selection and evaluation, and hyperparameter tuning.

4. Advanced Analytics: This covers the basics of advanced analytics such as streaming data, anomaly detection, and natural language processing.

5. Big Data: This covers the basics of big data technologies such as Hadoop, Hive, and Kafka. This includes topics such as distributed

What are the Sample Questions of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Databricks Unified Data Science Platform?
2. Describe the benefits of using Apache Spark on Databricks.
3. Explain the architecture of the Databricks platform.
4. Describe the process for building and deploying a machine learning model on Databricks.
5. What is the best way to optimize a Spark job for performance?
6. How can you use Databricks to visualize data?
7. What are the key components of the Databricks security model?
8. Describe the different types of notebooks available in Databricks.
9. What are the advantages of using the Databricks Delta Lake feature?
10. Explain the process for debugging a Spark job on Databricks.


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Sep 05, 2024

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Aug 22, 2024

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