EADP19-001 Exam Dumps - ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001
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Exam Code: EADP19-001
Exam Name: ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001
Certification Provider: Esri
Corresponding Certifications: Technical Certification , Esri Other Certification

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EADP19-001: ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001 Study Material and Test Engine
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Esri EADP19-001 Exam FAQs
Introduction of Esri EADP19-001 Exam!
Esri EADP19-001 is an exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in the use of Esri's ArcGIS Desktop Professional software. The exam covers topics such as creating and editing data, working with geodatabases, analyzing data, creating maps, and using geoprocessing tools. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to use the software to solve real-world problems.
What is the Duration of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The duration of the Esri EADP19-001 exam is 2 hours.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
There are 60 questions in the Esri EADP19-001 exam.
What is the Passing Score for Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The passing score for the Esri EADP19-001 exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The Competency Level required for Esri EADP19-001 exam is Professional.
What is the Question Format of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The Esri EADP19-001 exam consists of multiple-choice and performance-based questions.
How Can You Take Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
Esri EADP19-001 exam is offered in two formats: online and in a testing center. The online exam is offered through the Esri Academy and requires a valid Esri account. The testing center exam is offered through Pearson VUE and requires a valid Pearson VUE account. Both formats require a valid form of identification.
What Language Esri EADP19-001 Exam is Offered?
The Esri EADP19-001 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The Esri EADP19-001 exam is offered for a fee of $150 USD.
What is the Target Audience of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The target audience of the Esri EADP19-001 exam is professionals who design, implement, and manage ArcGIS Enterprise deployments. This includes GIS professionals, IT professionals, system administrators, and system architects.
What is the Average Salary of Esri EADP19-001 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a professional with an Esri EADP19-001 certification is approximately $80,000 per year. However, salaries can vary depending on location and experience.
Who are the Testing Providers of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
Esri does not provide testing for the EADP19-001 exam. However, there are several third-party organizations that provide practice tests and study guides to help candidates prepare for the exam. Examples of these organizations include Udemy, MeasureUp, and PrepAway.
What is the Recommended Experience for Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The recommended experience for taking the Esri EADP19-001 exam includes prior knowledge of basic GIS concepts and experience with the ArcGIS platform. This includes working with ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise and/or ArcGIS Desktop. Experience with scripting and programming and knowledge of geodatabases is also recommended.
What are the Prerequisites of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The Prerequisite for Esri EADP19-001 exam is a working knowledge of the ArcGIS platform and its functions. Candidates should have a basic understanding of GIS concepts, creating maps, and working with layers. Additionally, experience with the ArcGIS Online platform is recommended.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The expected retirement date of Esri EADP19-001 exam is not available on any official website. You can contact Esri directly to get the exact retirement date.
What is the Difficulty Level of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The difficulty level of the Esri EADP19-001 exam is considered to be moderate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
The Esri EADP19-001 Exam is a certification track and roadmap for professionals who want to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the Esri ArcGIS platform. It is designed to assess a candidate's ability to design and develop GIS solutions using the Esri ArcGIS platform. The exam covers topics such as data management, analysis, geoprocessing, cartography, and web mapping.
What are the Topics Esri EADP19-001 Exam Covers?
The Esri EADP19-001 exam covers a range of topics related to the Esri ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19 certification. These topics include:
1. GIS Concepts: This section covers the basic concepts of GIS, such as data types, coordinate systems, projections, and data models.
2. Data Management: This section covers how to manage data for analysis, including how to create, edit, and manage data.
3. Geoprocessing: This section covers how to use the tools available in ArcGIS Desktop to perform geoprocessing tasks, such as buffering, overlaying, and querying.
4. Cartography: This section covers how to create and edit maps, including symbolizing, labeling, and creating legends.
5. Analysis: This section covers how to use the tools available in ArcGIS Desktop to perform spatial analysis, such as creating buffers, analyzing terrain, and creating
What are the Sample Questions of Esri EADP19-001 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of the Esri Enterprise Administration Design Patterns (EADP) 19-001 exam?
2. What are the key components of the Esri Enterprise Administration Design Patterns (EADP) 19-001 exam?
3. What are the benefits of using the Esri Enterprise Administration Design Patterns (EADP) 19-001 exam?
4. What are the best practices for designing and implementing an Esri Enterprise Administration Design Pattern (EADP) 19-001 exam?
5. How can you ensure the successful implementation of an Esri Enterprise Administration Design Pattern (EADP) 19-001 exam?
6. How can the Esri Enterprise Administration Design Patterns (EADP) 19-001 exam help organizations improve their enterprise architecture?
7. What are the challenges associated with implementing an Esri Enterprise Administration Design Pattern (EADP) 19-001 exam?
8. What are the key considerations when designing
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