MSP-Foundation Exam Dumps - MSP Foundation Exam (5thEdition)
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Exam Code: MSP-Foundation
Exam Name: MSP Foundation Exam (5thEdition)
Certification Provider: MSP
Corresponding Certifications: MSP Programme Management Certifications , MSP Certification

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MSP MSP-Foundation Exam FAQs
Introduction of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam!
The MSP-Foundation exam is the entry-level exam for the MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) qualification. It is designed to assess a candidate's knowledge and understanding of the principles, processes and terminology used in the MSP guidance. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, and focuses on the concepts and principles outlined in the MSP guidance.
What is the Duration of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The duration of the MSP Foundation Exam is 2 hours.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The MSP-Foundation exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions.
What is the Passing Score for MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The passing score required in the MSP Foundation exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The MSP Foundation exam requires a competency level of Knowledge. The exam assesses the candidate’s knowledge of the MSP framework, principles, processes, and terminology. It also tests the candidate’s ability to identify and explain the roles and responsibilities of a successful MSP.
What is the Question Format of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The MSP-Foundation Exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
How Can You Take MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The MSP-Foundation exam can be taken online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you will need to register for the exam on the MSP-Foundation website and then purchase the exam voucher. Once you have the voucher, you will be able to access the exam and take it online. To take the exam in a testing center, you will need to find a testing center that offers the MSP-Foundation exam and register for the exam at the testing center. You will then be able to take the exam at the testing center on the scheduled date.
What Language MSP MSP-Foundation Exam is Offered?
The MSP-Foundation Exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The cost of the MSP-Foundation exam is $125 USD.
What is the Target Audience of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The target audience for the MSP-Foundation Exam is project managers, project team members, and project stakeholders who are involved in the successful delivery of projects.
What is the Average Salary of MSP MSP-Foundation Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a person with an MSP-Foundation certification is approximately $50,000 per year. This salary can vary depending on the industry, experience, and location of the job.
Who are the Testing Providers of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The MSP-Foundation exam is offered by PeopleCert, an international certification body. PeopleCert provides the exam in a variety of formats, including online proctored exams and paper-based exams.
What is the Recommended Experience for MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The recommended experience for the MSP-Foundation exam is to have a minimum of two years of experience in project management and/or service management. Additionally, it is recommended that you have some knowledge of the MSP framework and its concepts.
What are the Prerequisites of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The Prerequisite for the MSP-Foundation Exam is that the candidate must have completed the MSP Foundation training course. This course is a prerequisite for the MSP-Foundation Exam and is designed to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete the exam.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The official website for Microsoft certification exams is On this website, you can find information about the MSP-Foundation exam, including the expected retirement date.
What is the Difficulty Level of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The difficulty level of the MSP-Foundation exam is considered to be moderate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
The certification roadmap for the MSP-Foundation Exam consists of the following steps:
1. Complete the MSP-Foundation Training Course.
2. Take the MSP-Foundation Exam.
3. Pass the MSP-Foundation Exam.
4. Obtain the MSP-Foundation Certification.
5. Maintain the MSP-Foundation Certification.
What are the Topics MSP MSP-Foundation Exam Covers?
The MSP Foundation exam covers topics related to the principles and practices of managing successful programs. The topics include:
1. Program Management Framework: This section covers the basics of program management, including the principles, processes, and tools used to plan and manage successful programs.
2. Program Leadership: This section covers the skills and traits required for successful program leadership, including communication, collaboration, and decision-making.
3. Program Governance: This section covers the principles and processes for establishing and managing program governance, including stakeholder engagement, risk management, and change management.
4. Program Delivery: This section covers the processes and techniques for delivering successful programs, including project management, quality management, and supplier management.
5. Benefits Realization: This section covers the principles and processes for realizing program benefits, including value management, benefits management, and performance measurement.
What are the Sample Questions of MSP MSP-Foundation Exam?
1. What is the purpose of a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
2. What is the difference between a Service Request and a Service Incident?
3. What are the three components of the ITIL Service Lifecycle?
4. What is the purpose of a Change Advisory Board (CAB)?
5. How does Configuration Management ensure that services remain available?
6. What is the purpose of Capacity Management?
7. What is the purpose of Problem Management?
8. What is the purpose of Release Management?
9. What is the purpose of Service Level Management?
10. What is the purpose of Financial Management for IT Services?
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