FM0-308 Exam Dumps - Developer Essentials for FileMaker 13
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Exam Code: FM0-308
Exam Name: Developer Essentials for FileMaker 13
Certification Provider: FileMaker
Certification Exam Name: FileMaker 13 Certified Developer

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FileMaker FM0-308 Exam FAQs
Introduction of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam!
FM0-308: FileMaker 16 Developer Certification Exam. This exam tests the knowledge and skills of experienced FileMaker developers who use FileMaker Pro 16 to design and develop custom databases.
What is the Duration of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
There are 60 questions in the FileMaker FM0-308 exam.
What is the Passing Score for FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The passing score for the FileMaker FM0-308 exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FM0-308 FileMaker 8 Developer Certification Exam requires a competency level of Intermediate.
What is the Question Format of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
How Can You Take FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam is offered online through the Pearson VUE testing center. Candidates can register for the exam online and take the exam at any Pearson VUE testing center.
What Language FileMaker FM0-308 Exam is Offered?
FileMaker FM0-308 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam is offered for a fee of $150.
What is the Target Audience of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The target audience for the FileMaker FM0-308 exam are developers who have an understanding of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and have experience developing and deploying custom FileMaker solutions.
What is the Average Salary of FileMaker FM0-308 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a FileMaker FM0-308 certified professional is around $80,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam is administered by Pearson VUE, an authorized testing center for FileMaker certifications. Pearson VUE provides practice tests and proctored exams for the FM0-308 exam.
What is the Recommended Experience for FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The recommended experience for the FileMaker FM0-308 exam includes:
• Experience in developing FileMaker solutions
• Knowledge of the FileMaker Pro platform
• Experience with relational database design
• Knowledge of scripting and calculation techniques
• Knowledge of integration techniques
• Knowledge of FileMaker security
• Knowledge of FileMaker optimization techniques
• Knowledge of FileMaker reporting and analysis techniques
• Knowledge of FileMaker WebDirect and FileMaker Go
What are the Prerequisites of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The Prerequisite for FileMaker FM0-308 Exam is that the candidate must have a minimum of one year of experience developing solutions with FileMaker Pro 10, 11, or 12.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The official website to check the expected retirement date of FileMaker FM0-308 exam is the FileMaker Certification website:
What is the Difficulty Level of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam is considered to be of medium difficulty. It is recommended that those taking the exam have at least one year of experience working with the FileMaker platform.
What is the Roadmap / Track of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
1. Become familiar with the FileMaker Pro Advanced product and its features.
2. Obtain the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certification Study Guide.
3. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certification Exam.
4. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam.
5. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Topics.
6. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Scripting.
7. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Security.
8. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Troubleshooting.
9. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Performance.
10. Take the FileMaker Pro Advanced Certified Developer Exam Advanced Design.
What are the Topics FileMaker FM0-308 Exam Covers?
The FileMaker FM0-308 exam covers the following topics:
1. Designing and Implementing a Solution: This topic covers the process of designing and implementing a FileMaker solution, including the use of FileMaker Pro Advanced and the FileMaker Pro platform.
2. Using FileMaker Pro Advanced: This topic covers the use of FileMaker Pro Advanced to create and modify databases, as well as creating and managing layouts, scripts, and other components.
3. Managing FileMaker Pro Solutions: This topic covers the process of managing a FileMaker Pro solution, including creating and managing users, troubleshooting, and performance optimization.
4. Working with External Data Sources: This topic covers the process of connecting FileMaker Pro solutions to external data sources, including ODBC and SQL.
5. Securing FileMaker Pro Solutions: This topic covers the process of securing FileMaker Pro solutions, including authentication, authorization, and encryption.
What are the Sample Questions of FileMaker FM0-308 Exam?
1. How is the FileMaker Pro Advanced database engine structured?
2. What are the features of the FileMaker Pro Advanced security system?
3. What techniques can be used to optimize the performance of a FileMaker Pro Advanced database?
4. How can you use scripts to automate tasks in FileMaker Pro Advanced?
5. What are the differences between the FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced user interfaces?
6. What are the options for sharing data between FileMaker Pro Advanced databases?
7. How can you use FileMaker Pro Advanced to create custom web applications?
8. What are the different types of calculation functions available in FileMaker Pro Advanced?
9. How can you use the FileMaker Pro Advanced layout mode to customize the look and feel of your application?
10. What are the different methods for importing and exporting data in FileMaker Pro Advanced?
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