CPEH-001 Exam Dumps - Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH)
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Exam Code: CPEH-001
Exam Name: Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH)
Certification Provider: GAQM
Certification Exam Name: Information Systems Security

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Introduction of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam!
The GAQM Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) exam is a certification exam designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals in the field of ethical hacking. The exam covers topics such as network security, system security, cryptography, malware, and web application security. It is designed to test the candidate's ability to identify, analyze, and respond to security threats.
What is the Duration of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The duration of the GAQM Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH-001) exam is 2 hours.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The GAQM CPEH-001 exam consists of a total of 60 multiple-choice questions.
What is the Passing Score for GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The passing score required for the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The competency level required for the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is Intermediate.
What is the Question Format of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The GAQM CPEH-001 exam consists of multiple choice, drag and drop, and true or false questions.
How Can You Take GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The GAQM CPEH-001 exam is available both online and in testing centers. To take the exam online, you must register and purchase the exam through the GAQM website. You will then be provided with a unique link to access the exam. To take the exam in a testing center, you must register and purchase the exam through the GAQM website. You will then need to locate a testing center near you and schedule an appointment to take the exam.
What Language GAQM CPEH-001 Exam is Offered?
The GAQM CPEH-001 Exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The cost of the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is $150 USD.
What is the Target Audience of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The target audience for the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is professionals who have knowledge and experience in the fields of Information Security, Ethical Hacking, and Penetration Testing. These professionals may include IT security administrators, IT security engineers, web application developers, and system administrators.
What is the Average Salary of GAQM CPEH-001 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a professional with a GAQM CPEH-001 certification is approximately $60,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The Global Association of Quality Management (GAQM) offers official testing for the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH-001) exam. The exam is administered through Pearson VUE, an international testing provider.
What is the Recommended Experience for GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The recommended experience for the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is that a candidate should have at least one year of experience in the field of cybersecurity, risk management, and ethical hacking. Additionally, it is recommended that candidates have a good understanding of networking and operating systems.
What are the Prerequisites of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The Prerequisite for GAQM CPEH-001 Exam is to have a minimum of three years of professional experience in the areas of privacy engineering, privacy engineering management, and/or data protection compliance.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The expected retirement date for the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is not available online. You can contact GAQM directly for more information.
What is the Difficulty Level of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The difficulty level of the GAQM CPEH-001 exam is considered to be moderate. It is recommended that candidates have a good understanding of the topics covered in the exam before attempting it.
What is the Roadmap / Track of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
The GAQM Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH-001) certification track/roadmap is a comprehensive training and certification program designed to help individuals gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a professional ethical hacker. The program includes a series of courses, exams, and hands-on labs that cover topics such as security fundamentals, network security, system security, web application security, and ethical hacking. Upon successful completion of the program, individuals will be certified as a Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH).
What are the Topics GAQM CPEH-001 Exam Covers?
1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals: This section covers the basics of cloud computing, including cloud architecture and components, cloud deployment models, and cloud services.
2. Cloud Security: This section covers the fundamentals of cloud security, including security threats, risk management, and compliance.
3. Cloud Storage: This section covers the basics of cloud storage, including storage architectures, storage services, and cloud storage solutions.
4. Cloud Networking: This section covers the fundamentals of cloud networking, including network architectures, network services, and cloud networking solutions.
5. Cloud Management: This section covers the basics of cloud management, including resource management, cost management, and automation.
6. Cloud Monitoring and Optimization: This section covers the fundamentals of cloud monitoring and optimization, including monitoring tools, optimization techniques, and best practices.
What are the Sample Questions of GAQM CPEH-001 Exam?
1. What are the main components of the CPEH-001 exam?
2. What is the purpose of the CPEH-001 exam?
3. What is the passing score for the CPEH-001 exam?
4. What topics are covered on the CPEH-001 exam?
5. What types of questions are featured on the CPEH-001 exam?
6. How long is the CPEH-001 exam?
7. What is the best preparation strategy for the CPEH-001 exam?
8. What resources are available to help with studying for the CPEH-001 exam?
9. How often is the CPEH-001 exam updated?
10. What are the benefits of passing the CPEH-001 exam?
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