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H35-561: HCNP - LTE RNP & RNO Study Material and Test Engine
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Huawei H35-561 Exam FAQs
Introduction of Huawei H35-561 Exam!
The Huawei H35-561 is a Huawei Certified Network Professional - Data Center Facility (HCNP-DCF) exam. It is a professional-level certification that tests the candidate's knowledge and skills related to data center facility planning, design, implementation, and management. The exam covers topics such as server and storage deployment, data center network and security system design, data backup and recovery, and data center facility maintenance.
What is the Duration of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The duration of the Huawei H35-561 exam is 90 minutes.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in Huawei H35-561 Exam?
There are a total of 60 questions in the Huawei H35-561 exam.
What is the Passing Score for Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The minimum passing score required to pass the Huawei H35-561 exam is 600 out of 1000.
What is the Competency Level required for Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The minimum competency level required for the Huawei H35-561 exam is professional.
What is the Question Format of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The Huawei H35-561 exam has multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, drag-and-drop questions, and scenario-based questions.
How Can You Take Huawei H35-561 Exam?
Huawei H35-561 exam can be taken online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you will need to register for an account on the Huawei website, purchase the exam, and then schedule a time to take the exam. To take the exam in a testing center, you will need to register for an account on the Huawei website, purchase the exam, and then locate a testing center near you. You will then need to schedule a time to take the exam at the testing center.
What Language Huawei H35-561 Exam is Offered?
The Huawei H35-561 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The cost of the Huawei H35-561 exam is $50 USD.
What is the Target Audience of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The target audience for the Huawei H35-561 exam is individuals who are interested in becoming certified in Huawei Certified Network Professional-Unified Communication (HCNP-UC). This certification is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in deploying, maintaining, and troubleshooting Huawei Unified Communications solutions.
What is the Average Salary of Huawei H35-561 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for those who have achieved Huawei H35-561 certification is approximately $90,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
Huawei offers the H35-561 HCIP-LTE V1.0 exam. The exam can be taken at any of Huawei's authorized testing centers.
What is the Recommended Experience for Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The recommended experience for the Huawei H35-561 exam is at least one year of hands-on experience in deploying and managing Huawei Unified Communication (UC) products and solutions. Candidates should also have experience in configuring, troubleshooting, and maintaining Huawei UC products and solutions. Additionally, candidates should be familiar with Huawei UC product features, architecture, and protocols.
What are the Prerequisites of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The Huawei H35-561 exam requires a basic understanding of Huawei Cloud technologies, such as Huawei Cloud Fabric, Huawei Cloud Storage, Huawei Cloud Computing, and Huawei Cloud Security. Additionally, candidates should have a basic understanding of networking concepts and protocols, such as IP, TCP/IP, and Ethernet.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The official website to check the expected retirement date of Huawei H35-561 exam is https://www.huawei.com/en/certifications/exams/h35-561.
What is the Difficulty Level of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The difficulty level of the Huawei H35-561 exam is considered to be intermediate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
The Huawei H35-561 certification roadmap is as follows:
1. Register and complete the H35-561 HCIP-LTE V1.0 exam.
2. Pass the H35-561 exam with a minimum score of 70%.
3. Receive the HCIP-LTE V1.0 certification.
4. Take the H35-561-ENU exam and pass with a minimum score of 70%.
5. Receive the HCIP-LTE V1.0-ENU certification.
6. Take the H35-561-CHS exam and pass with a minimum score of 70%.
7. Receive the HCIP-LTE V1.0-CHS certification.
8. Take the H35-561-JPN exam and pass with a minimum score of 70%.
9. Receive the HCIP-LTE V1.0
What are the Topics Huawei H35-561 Exam Covers?
The Huawei H35-561 exam covers topics related to Huawei Certified Network Professional-GSM RNP&RNO. These topics include:
1. GSM Network Architecture: This topic covers the fundamentals of GSM network architecture, including the components, structure, and operation of GSM networks.
2. GSM Network Planning: This topic covers planning for GSM networks, including capacity planning, coverage planning, and frequency planning.
3. GSM Network Optimization: This topic covers the optimization of GSM networks, including performance optimization, interference optimization, and service optimization.
4. GSM Network Troubleshooting: This topic covers troubleshooting in GSM networks, including fault diagnosis, fault location, and fault rectification.
5. GSM Network Security: This topic covers the security of GSM networks, including security policies, security measures, and security technologies.
What are the Sample Questions of Huawei H35-561 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of Huawei’s eSight?
2. What are the key features of the Huawei H35-561 exam?
3. How does Huawei’s eSight support network management?
4. What are the main components of the Huawei H35-561 exam?
5. What is the architecture of the Huawei H35-561 exam?
6. What are the best practices for preparing for the Huawei H35-561 exam?
7. What is the purpose of the Huawei H35-561 exam?
8. What are the objectives of the Huawei H35-561 exam?
9. What are the benefits of passing the Huawei H35-561 exam?
10. How can Huawei’s eSight help manage the network infrastructure?
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