TFINFRIXM1012 Exam Dumps - AS-TFINFRIXM1012-FTX100 Finacle Integration Technical
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Exam Code: TFINFRIXM1012
Exam Name: AS-TFINFRIXM1012-FTX100 Finacle Integration Technical
Certification Provider: Infosys
Certification Exam Name: Finacle Integration Technical

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Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam FAQs
Introduction of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam!
TFINFRIXM1012 is an Infosys Foundation Certification Exam. It is a comprehensive exam that assesses the candidate's knowledge and skills related to developing and deploying enterprise solutions using Infosys Foundation Platform.
What is the Duration of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The duration of the Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is 2 hours.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
There are a total of 60 questions in the Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam.
What is the Passing Score for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The passing score for the Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is 60%.
What is the Competency Level required for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The competency level required for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is Intermediate.
What is the Question Format of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam consists of multiple choice questions.
How Can You Take Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is offered in two formats: online and in a testing center.
Online: The exam is offered online through the Infosys Learning Portal. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and is timed. After the exam is completed, the results are available immediately.
Testing Center: The exam is offered in a testing center and consists of multiple-choice questions. After the exam is completed, the results are available within 24 hours.
What Language Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam is Offered?
The Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is offered for a fee of $150 USD.
What is the Target Audience of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The target audience of the Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is IT professionals who are looking to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become a successful Infosys Financial Risk Management Consultant. This exam is designed for those who have a basic understanding of finance, risk management, and financial services.
What is the Average Salary of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for someone with an Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam certification varies greatly depending on the individual's experience and the specific job role. Generally, however, those with an Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 certification can expect to earn an average salary of around $50,000 to $80,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is administered by Prometric. Prometric is a global leader in the testing and assessment industry and provides a range of services, including test development, delivery, and scoring.
What is the Recommended Experience for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The recommended experience for the Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is a minimum of three years of experience in a technical role, such as software engineering, systems engineering, or a related field. Additionally, the candidate should have experience with software development, object-oriented programming, and web technologies.
What are the Prerequisites of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The Prerequisite for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam is that you must have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of finance and accounting. Additionally, you must have a basic understanding of the principles of financial management, including financial statements, budgeting, and financial analysis.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The official website to check the expected retirement date of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is
What is the Difficulty Level of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The difficulty level of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 exam is moderate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
The certification roadmap for Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam includes the following steps:
1. Register for the exam.
2. Complete the pre-requisites for the exam.
3. Study for the exam using the official study guide and practice tests.
4. Take the exam and pass with a minimum score of 70%.
5. Receive your certification.
6. Maintain your certification by completing the required continuing education credits.
What are the Topics Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam Covers?
TFINFRIXM1012 exam covers topics related to the Infosys Finacle Treasury and Risk Management Solution.
The topics covered in this exam include:
1. Introduction to Finacle Treasury and Risk Management Solution: This section covers the introduction to the Finacle Treasury and Risk Management Solution, its features, and its components.
2. Treasury Management: This section covers the basics of Treasury Management, its objectives, and the different types of treasury operations.
3. Risk Management: This section covers the basics of Risk Management, its objectives, and the different types of risk management operations.
4. Trade Finance: This section covers the basics of Trade Finance, its objectives, and the different types of trade finance operations.
5. Regulatory Compliance: This section covers the basics of Regulatory Compliance, its objectives, and the different types of regulatory compliance operations.
6. Finacle Treasury and Risk Management Solution Administration: This section covers the
What are the Sample Questions of Infosys TFINFRIXM1012 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
2. What topics are covered in the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
3. What types of questions are asked in the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
4. What is the passing score for the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
5. What is the time limit for the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
6. How many questions are asked in the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
7. What is the format of the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
8. What resources are available to prepare for the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
9. How often is the TFINFRIXM1012 exam updated?
10. What is the cost of the TFINFRIXM1012 exam?
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