117-202 Exam Dumps - Linux Networking Administration
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Exam Code: 117-202
Exam Name: Linux Networking Administration
Certification Provider: LPI
Certification Exam Name: Professional Certifications

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117-202: Linux Networking Administration Study Material and Test Engine
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295 Questions & Answers
LPI 117-202 Exam FAQs
Introduction of LPI 117-202 Exam!
The duration of the LPI 117-202 exam is 90 minutes.
What is the Duration of LPI 117-202 Exam?
LPI 117-202 is a certification exam for Linux networking administration. The exam tests the candidate's knowledge and skills in configuring, managing, and troubleshooting various networking services and protocols on Linux systems. The exam is designed to validate the candidate's proficiency in network configuration, network troubleshooting, DNS, DHCP, routing, and network security. The exam is part of the LPIC-2 certification track, which is a professional-level certification for Linux administrators. The LPIC-2 certification is designed to validate the candidate's advanced knowledge and skills in Linux administration and is recognized globally as a benchmark for Linux professionals.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in LPI 117-202 Exam?
The number of questions asked in the LPI 117-202 exam is 60.
What is the Passing Score for LPI 117-202 Exam?
The passing score for the LPI 117-202 exam is 500 out of 800.
What is the Competency Level required for LPI 117-202 Exam?
The competency level required for the LPI 117-202 exam is advanced. The exam is designed for Linux professionals who have advanced knowledge and skills in Linux administration, particularly in the area of networking.
What is the Question Format of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The question format of the LPI 117-202 exam is multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank. The exam may also include drag-and-drop and simulation questions that require the candidate to perform specific tasks on a Linux system. The exam is computer-based and is administered at Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide.
How Can You Take LPI 117-202 Exam?
The LPI 117-202 exam can be taken either online or at a testing center. Online exams can be taken from anywhere with a reliable internet connection, while testing center exams require you to physically go to a designated testing location. Online exams are proctored remotely, meaning that a proctor will monitor you through a webcam and microphone to ensure that you are not cheating. Testing center exams are proctored in person by a testing center staff member. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider your personal preferences and circumstances when deciding which option to choose.
What Language LPI 117-202 Exam is Offered?
The LPI 117-202 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The cost of the LPI 117-202 exam varies depending on your location and the testing center or online platform you choose. In the United States, the cost is typically around $200. However, prices may be higher or lower in other countries. It is important to check with your chosen testing center or online platform for the most up-to-date pricing information.
What is the Target Audience of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The LPI 117-202 exam is targeted towards IT professionals who have experience with Linux systems administration. This includes individuals who are responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting Linux systems, as well as those who are involved in the planning and implementation of Linux-based solutions. The exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills required to perform these tasks effectively.
What is the Average Salary of LPI 117-202 Certified in the Market?
The average salary of an LPI 117-202 certified professional varies depending on the specific job role and location. According to Payscale, the average salary for a Linux system administrator in the United States is around $70,000 per year. However, salaries can range from around $50,000 to over $100,000 depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry. It is important to note that certification is just one factor that can impact salary, and other factors such as education, experience, and job performance may also play a role.
Who are the Testing Providers of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The testing providers of LPI 117-202 Exam are Pearson VUE and PSI Online.
What is the Recommended Experience for LPI 117-202 Exam?
The recommended experience for LPI 117-202 Exam is at least one year of experience in Linux administration.
What are the Prerequisites of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The prerequisites for LPI 117-202 Exam are passing the LPI 117-201 Exam and having a valid LPI ID.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The expected retirement date of LPI 117-202 Exam is December 31, 2021. You can check for updates on the official LPI website: https://www.lpi.org/our-certifications/exam-401-objectives
What is the Difficulty Level of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The LPI 117-202 Exam is considered to be of moderate difficulty level.
What is the Roadmap / Track of LPI 117-202 Exam?
The roadmap/track of LPI 117-202 Exam is to become a Linux Engineer. This exam is the second part of the LPIC-2 certification, which is designed to validate the advanced Linux administration skills and knowledge of candidates.
What are the Topics LPI 117-202 Exam Covers?
The LPI 117-202 Exam covers topics such as system architecture, Linux installation and package management, GNU and Unix commands, devices, Linux filesystems, filesystem hierarchy standard, and shells, scripting, and data management.
What are the Sample Questions of LPI 117-202 Exam?
Sample questions for the LPI 117-202 Exam include questions on system startup and shutdown, kernel modules, network configuration and troubleshooting, user and group management, and file permissions and ownership.
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