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98-381 Exam Dumps - Introduction to Programming Using Python

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Exam Code: 98-381

Exam Name: Introduction to Programming Using Python

Certification Provider: Microsoft

Certification Exam Name: Python


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Microsoft 98-381 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Microsoft 98-381 Exam!

The Microsoft 98-381 exam is an entry-level certification exam for software developers. It tests a candidate's knowledge of software development fundamentals, including object-oriented programming, basic programming logic, and software design principles. It is designed to assess a candidate's ability to develop basic software applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework.

What is the Duration of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 exam is a one-hour exam consisting of 40-60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

There are 40 questions on the Microsoft 98-381 exam.

What is the Passing Score for Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The passing score for the Microsoft 98-381 exam is 700 out of 1000.

What is the Competency Level required for Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 exam is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of an individual in the fundamentals of software development using the Microsoft .NET Framework. The exam is intended for individuals who have a basic understanding of software development and the .NET Framework. The exam is designed to measure the ability to understand and apply the concepts of object-oriented programming, the .NET Framework, and the C# language. The exam is intended for individuals who have a basic understanding of software development and the .NET Framework. The exam is designed to measure the ability to understand and apply the concepts of object-oriented programming, the .NET Framework, and the C# language. The exam is intended to measure the ability to understand and apply the concepts of object-oriented programming, the .NET Framework, and the C# language. The exam is intended to measure the ability to understand and apply the concepts of object-oriented programming, the .NET Framework, and the C# language. The exam is intended

What is the Question Format of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 exam consists of multiple-choice questions.

How Can You Take Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

Microsoft 98-381 exam is available both online and in testing centers. The exam can be taken online through the Microsoft online proctoring service, which requires you to install a program and use a webcam to monitor the exam session. The exam can also be taken in a testing center, where you will be monitored by a proctor.

What Language Microsoft 98-381 Exam is Offered?

The Microsoft 98-381 Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The cost of the Microsoft 98-381 exam is $165 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 exam is designed for individuals who are looking to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in software development. This includes software developers, software engineers, web developers, and other IT professionals who are looking to validate their skills in software development.

What is the Average Salary of Microsoft 98-381 Certified in the Market?

The average salary in the market after obtaining Microsoft 98-381 certification can vary widely depending on the individual's experience, skillset, and location. However, according to PayScale, the average salary of individuals with Microsoft 98-381 certification is approximately $75,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

Microsoft offers an official practice test for its 98-381 exam. The practice test is available through the Microsoft Learning portal. It is also possible to take practice exams through third-party websites such as ExamCollection and PrepAway.

What is the Recommended Experience for Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The recommended experience for the Microsoft 98-381 exam is having a foundational knowledge of software development processes, object-oriented programming concepts, core programming language features, and fundamentals of the C# language.

What are the Prerequisites of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 Exam measures an individual's knowledge of software development fundamentals, including object-oriented programming, design, development, testing, debugging, implementation and documentation. In order to take this exam, applicants must have at least one year of coding experience in C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or another object-oriented programming language.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The official Microsoft website for the 98-381 exam can be found at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-98-381.aspx. On this page, you can find information about the retirement date of the exam, which is currently scheduled for June 30, 2021.

What is the Difficulty Level of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The difficulty level of the Microsoft 98-381 exam is considered to be moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

The Microsoft 98-381 Exam is a certification track/roadmap that tests a candidate's ability to understand software development fundamentals, including object-oriented programming, database fundamentals, and web services. It is intended to provide a baseline level of knowledge and skills that are necessary to develop software solutions using the Microsoft .NET Framework. The exam covers topics such as .NET Framework fundamentals, C# programming, ASP.NET web development, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Passing the exam is required to earn the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification.

What are the Topics Microsoft 98-381 Exam Covers?

The Microsoft 98-381 exam covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Programming: This section covers the fundamentals of programming, including variables, data types, flow control, and debugging. It also covers the basics of object-oriented programming, including classes and objects.

2. Core Programming: This section covers the core concepts of programming, including functions, loops, arrays, and strings. It also covers the fundamentals of using the .NET Framework to create applications.

3. Database Fundamentals: This section covers the basics of working with databases, including SQL, data types, and database design.

4. Web Fundamentals: This section covers the basics of creating web applications, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

5. Security Fundamentals: This section covers the basics of creating secure applications, including authentication and encryption.

6. Software Development Life Cycle: This section covers the fundamentals of the software development life cycle, including

What are the Sample Questions of Microsoft 98-381 Exam?

1. What is an example of a programming language that supports object-oriented programming?
2. Describe the purpose of a loop in a computer program.
3. How is a variable declared in C#?
4. What is the purpose of a software library?
5. What is the difference between a class and an object in object-oriented programming?
6. What is the purpose of the try-catch statement in C#?
7. How is an array declared in C#?
8. How is a function defined in C#?
9. What is the purpose of the using statement in C#?
10. What is the difference between a parameter and an argument in a function?


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United States
Dec 03, 2023

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Nov 24, 2023

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United Kingdom
Nov 23, 2023

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