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C100DBA Exam Dumps - MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4)

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Exam Code: C100DBA

Exam Name: MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4)

Certification Provider: MongoDB

Certification Exam Name: MongoDB Certified DBA Associate


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C100DBA: MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4) Study Material and Test Engine

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MongoDB C100DBA Exam FAQs

Introduction of MongoDB C100DBA Exam!

The MongoDB Certified DBA Associate C100DBA exam is a performance-based certification exam designed to assess and validate the skills of MongoDB Database Administrators. The exam covers topics such as installation, configuration, security, monitoring, backup and recovery, performance tuning, and more.

What is the Duration of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB C100DBA exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

There are a total of 60 questions on the MongoDB C100DBA exam.

What is the Passing Score for MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The passing score for the MongoDB C100DBA exam is 70%.

What is the Competency Level required for MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Level (C100DBA) requires a foundational understanding of MongoDB concepts, query language, and operational best practices. It is recommended that you have at least 6 months of experience working with MongoDB in a production environment. Additionally, it is recommended that you have a working knowledge of Linux and MongoDB administration basics.

What is the Question Format of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB C100DBA exam comprises of multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.

How Can You Take MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

MongoDB C100DBA exams are offered in both online and in-person formats.

For the online exam, you will need to create an account on the MongoDB website and register for the exam, which includes paying the associated fee. Then you will receive an email from MongoDB containing instructions on how to access an online proctoring system and take the exam.

For the in-person exam, you will need to register for the exam, which includes paying the associated fee. Then you will receive an email from MongoDB containing instructions on how to find a local testing center and take the exam.

What Language MongoDB C100DBA Exam is Offered?

The MongoDB C100DBA exam is offered in English only.

What is the Cost of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB C100DBA exam is offered for $150 USD.

What is the Target Audience of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The target audience of the MongoDB C100DBA Exam are individuals seeking to develop their skills and knowledge in the administration and management of MongoDB databases. These individuals should have a good understanding of MongoDB concepts, including high availability and scalability, as well as basic knowledge and experience of MongoDB administration.

What is the Average Salary of MongoDB C100DBA Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a MongoDB Certified DBA (C100DBA) is around $95,000 per year, according to PayScale.com. However, salaries can vary greatly depending on experience, location, and other factors.

Who are the Testing Providers of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

MongoDB University offers a free online course to help prepare for the MongoDB C100DBA exam. The course includes practice tests and study materials to help you prepare for the exam. Additionally, MongoDB offers a proctored exam for the C100DBA exam, which can be taken at a Pearson VUE testing center.

What is the Recommended Experience for MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The recommended experience for MongoDB C100DBA exam is working knowledge or hands-on experience with MongoDB, including topics such as MongoDB installation, architecture, data modeling, data access and management, performance, scalability, backups and security. It is also recommended that you have a working knowledge of MongoDB’s core concepts, including replication and sharding. Additionally, familiarity with the MongoDB query language and MongoDB’s other features, including the MongoDB Atlas cloud platform, is recommended.

What are the Prerequisites of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB C100DBA Exam requires a basic understanding of MongoDB concepts, such as CRUD operations, replication, sharding, and indexing. It is recommended that you have hands-on experience with MongoDB and understand the MongoDB query language, the MongoDB administration and security features, and the MongoDB aggregation framework before attempting the exam.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The official MongoDB website does not provide expected retirement dates for exams. However, you can contact MongoDB Support for more information.

What is the Difficulty Level of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The difficulty level of the MongoDB C100DBA exam is considered to be advanced. It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of experienced MongoDB administrators.

What is the Roadmap / Track of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

The MongoDB C100DBA Exam is a certification track and roadmap designed to help professionals validate their expertise in MongoDB database administration. The exam covers topics such as MongoDB architecture, installation and configuration, security, performance tuning, backup and recovery, and more. The exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills of experienced MongoDB database administrators and is offered in three levels: Associate, Professional, and Master.

What are the Topics MongoDB C100DBA Exam Covers?

1. MongoDB Architecture: This section covers the fundamentals of MongoDB architecture and components, including MongoDB deployment architectures, replication, and sharding.

2. Data Modeling: This section covers the fundamentals of data modeling in MongoDB, including data modeling design principles, data modeling techniques, and data modeling best practices.

3. CRUD Operations: This section covers the fundamentals of CRUD operations in MongoDB, including commands, document structure, and query language.

4. Indexing and Performance: This section covers the fundamentals of indexing and performance in MongoDB, including indexing strategies, query optimization, and performance best practices.

5. Aggregation Framework: This section covers the fundamentals of the aggregation framework in MongoDB, including pipeline stages and operators, and aggregation best practices.

6. Application Administration: This section covers the fundamentals of application administration in MongoDB, including user management, security, and monitoring.

What are the Sample Questions of MongoDB C100DBA Exam?

1. What is the maximum file size for a MongoDB database?
2. How do you create a MongoDB index?
3. What is the purpose of using the $exists operator in MongoDB?
4. What is the basic syntax of the MongoDB aggregation pipeline?
5. What are the advantages of using MongoDB over a traditional relational database?
6. What is the difference between a sharded cluster and a replica set in MongoDB?
7. How do you ensure data consistency in MongoDB?
8. What is the purpose of using the $lookup operator in MongoDB?
9. What is the purpose of using the $geoNear operator in MongoDB?
10. What is the purpose of using the $text operator in MongoDB?


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South Africa
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Dec 05, 2023

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South Korea
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United Kingdom
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