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NS0-302 Exam Dumps - NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator

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Exam Code: NS0-302

Exam Name: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator

Certification Provider: Netapp

Corresponding Certifications: Hybrid Cloud Administrator , Netapp Other Certification


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Netapp NS0-302 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Netapp NS0-302 Exam!

The Netapp NS0-302 exam is a certification exam for the NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP badge. It tests the candidate's knowledge and skills to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot an ONTAP storage system.

What is the Duration of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud - Administrator (NS0-302) exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

There are a total of 60 questions on the NetApp NS0-302 exam.

What is the Passing Score for Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The minimum passing score for the NetApp NS0-302 exam is 70%.

What is the Competency Level required for Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The NetApp NCIE-SAN NS0-302 certification requires a Competency Level of Professional.

What is the Question Format of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The Netapp NS0-302 exam consists of multiple choice, drag and drop, and fill in the blank questions.

How Can You Take Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP (NS0-302) exam is offered through Pearson VUE testing centers. You can find the nearest testing center by visiting the Pearson VUE website. You can also take the exam online through the Pearson VUE website.

What Language Netapp NS0-302 Exam is Offered?

The Netapp NS0-302 exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The NetApp NS0-302 exam is offered for $200 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The target audience for the NetApp NS0-302 exam are individuals who have experience in designing, configuring, and managing NetApp storage solutions. This includes individuals who are experienced in using the Data ONTAP operating system, as well as those who have experience in using other NetApp products such as SnapManager, FlexClone, and OnCommand.

What is the Average Salary of Netapp NS0-302 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP (NS0-302) certification holder is $93,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud - Administrator (NS0-302) exam can be taken at Pearson VUE, which is an authorized testing center for NetApp certification exams.

What is the Recommended Experience for Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The recommended experience for the NetApp NS0-302 exam is three to five years of experience with NetApp storage solutions, including installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. Candidates should also have a good understanding of SAN and NAS storage, storage virtualization, and data protection concepts.

What are the Prerequisites of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The prerequisite for the NetApp NS0-302 exam is the NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP (NS0-161) certification.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The official website for Netapp NS0-302 exam is https://www.netapp.com/us/services-and-support/certification/netapp-certified-implementation-engineer-e-series.html. You can find information about the expected retirement date for this exam on the same page.

What is the Difficulty Level of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The Netapp NS0-302 exam is rated as an intermediate level exam. It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals who are working in the NetApp Data ONTAP environment.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

The certification roadmap for the NetApp NS0-302 exam includes the following steps:

1. Prepare for the exam: Read the exam objectives, review the exam topics, practice with sample questions, and familiarize yourself with the exam format.

2. Register for the exam: Register for the exam through the NetApp Learning portal.

3. Take the exam: Take the exam at a Pearson VUE Test Center or online.

4. Receive your score: Receive your score within 5-7 business days.

5. Receive your certificate: Receive your NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP certification within 6-8 weeks.

What are the Topics Netapp NS0-302 Exam Covers?

Netapp NS0-302 exam covers the following topics:

1. Networking Fundamentals: This topic covers the basics of networking, including network architectures, network components, and network protocols.

2. Storage Fundamentals: This topic covers the fundamentals of storage, including storage architectures, storage components, and storage protocols.

3. Data Protection: This topic covers the basics of data protection, including backup and recovery, data replication, and disaster recovery.

4. Data Management: This topic covers the basics of data management, including data classification, data security, and data archiving.

5. System Administration: This topic covers the basics of system administration, including system configuration, system monitoring, and system troubleshooting.

6. Troubleshooting: This topic covers the basics of troubleshooting, including problem identification, problem analysis, and problem resolution.

What are the Sample Questions of Netapp NS0-302 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Network Appliance DataFabric Manager?
2. What is the purpose of the Network Appliance Data ONTAP operating system?
3. What is the purpose of the Network Appliance Snapshot technology?
4. How does Network Appliance SANtricity Storage Manager provide data protection?
5. What are the main components of the Network Appliance Data Fabric architecture?
6. What is the purpose of the Network Appliance MetroCluster technology?
7. How can Network Appliance Data ONTAP 8.x be used to optimize storage performance?
8. What are the benefits of using Network Appliance StorageGRID technology?
9. What is the purpose of the Network Appliance Unified Manager?
10. How can Network Appliance Data ONTAP be used to manage storage resources?


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South Korea
Dec 19, 2023

"DumpsArena facilitou muito o estudo para o exame NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator! As questões práticas foram corretas e me senti bem preparado para o exame real. Recomendo fortemente seus recursos!"
South Korea
Dec 18, 2023

"DumpsArena é a plataforma ideal para obter sucesso no exame! Os materiais do exame NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator são abrangentes e eficazes. Não hesite em usar seus recursos - eles fazem uma diferença real."
South Korea
Dec 10, 2023

"Os materiais de estudo do DumpsArena são uma virada de jogo! Passei no exame NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator na minha primeira tentativa. Os testes práticos refletiram com precisão o exame real, e seu site é uma fonte confiável para o sucesso."
Nov 24, 2023

"Não posso agradecer o suficiente à DumpsArena por me ajudar a passar no exame NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator. Os recursos de estudo são de primeira linha e seu site é fácil de usar. Eu o recomendo fortemente a outros participantes do exame."
South Korea
Nov 23, 2023

"Graças à DumpsArena, fui aprovado no exame NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator. Os materiais de estudo eram claros e concisos, com foco nos principais conceitos. O site deles é uma visita obrigatória para quem deseja passar com confiança."
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