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4A0-116 Exam Dumps - Nokia Segment Routing Exam

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Exam Code: 4A0-116

Exam Name: Nokia Segment Routing Exam

Certification Provider: Nokia

Corresponding Certifications: Nokia Service Routing Architect , Nokia Certification


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4A0-116: Nokia Segment Routing Exam Study Material and Test Engine

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Nokia 4A0-116 Exam FAQs

Introduction of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam!

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam is a certification exam for Nokia Service Routing Architect (SRA) professionals. It is designed to test the knowledge and skills of professionals in the areas of IP/MPLS, IP routing, and IP services. The exam covers topics such as IP/MPLS architecture, IP routing protocols, IP services, and network security.

What is the Duration of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

There are approximately 60 questions in the Nokia 4A0-116 exam.

What is the Passing Score for Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The passing score required in the Nokia 4A0-116 exam is 70%.

What is the Competency Level required for Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam is an intermediate-level exam. It is designed to test the knowledge and skills of candidates in the areas of IP/MPLS, Ethernet, and SDN technologies. Candidates should have a good understanding of the concepts and technologies related to these topics in order to pass the exam.

What is the Question Format of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam consists of multiple-choice, drag and drop, and simulations.

How Can You Take Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam can be taken either online or in a testing center. The online version of the exam is taken remotely, while the testing center version is taken at a physical location. The online version consists of multiple-choice questions and can be taken at any time and from any location. The testing center version is a proctored exam with a duration of two hours and is taken at a Nokia authorized test center.

What Language Nokia 4A0-116 Exam is Offered?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The cost of the Nokia 4A0-116 exam is $125 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The target audience for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam are individuals who are interested in developing their knowledge and skills in the areas of routing, switching, and mobile architectures. This certification is ideal for those who work in roles such as Network Engineers, Network Designers, and Network Architects.

What is the Average Salary of Nokia 4A0-116 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a person with Nokia 4A0-116 exam certification varies depending on a number of factors, including experience level, job type, and location. Generally speaking, the average salary for someone with this certification is around $65,000 to $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

Nokia offers official testing for the 4A0-116 exam through Pearson VUE. Pearson VUE is an industry-leading provider of computer-based testing solutions. You can register for an exam and take it at a Pearson VUE testing center.

What is the Recommended Experience for Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The recommended experience for Nokia 4A0-116 exam is that the candidate should have a minimum of one year of experience in planning, configuring, and troubleshooting Nokia IP/MPLS and optical transport networks. Additionally, the candidate should have knowledge and hands-on experience with the Nokia 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, and 7750 SR-c products.

What are the Prerequisites of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

There is no specific prerequisite for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam. It is recommended that candidates have a working knowledge of IP routing and Nokia Service Router (SR) products and a basic understanding of the Nokia network management system.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The official website for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam does not provide any information about the expected retirement date. However, you can contact the Nokia certification team for more information.

What is the Difficulty Level of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The difficulty level of the Nokia 4A0-116 exam is medium to advanced. The exam covers topics such as MPLS, QoS, VPNs, and more. It is designed to test your knowledge and skills in the field of networking and is a good indicator of your readiness for the job.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

The Nokia 4A0-116 certification track/roadmap is a comprehensive guide to achieving the Nokia 4A0-116 certification. It outlines the steps and resources necessary to complete the certification, including prerequisites, recommended training and study materials, and exam objectives. The roadmap also outlines the recommended order of activities to be completed in order to successfully complete the certification.

What are the Topics Nokia 4A0-116 Exam Covers?

The Nokia 4A0-116 exam covers the following topics:

1. Nokia IP/MPLS Network Design: This topic covers the design of IP/MPLS networks, including network topologies, routing protocols, and traffic engineering.

2. Nokia IP/MPLS Network Implementation: This topic covers the implementation of IP/MPLS networks, including configuration of routers and switches, and the deployment of services.

3. Nokia IP/MPLS Network Troubleshooting: This topic covers the troubleshooting of IP/MPLS networks, including identifying and resolving common network issues.

4. Nokia IP/MPLS Network Security: This topic covers the security of IP/MPLS networks, including best practices for protecting against threats and vulnerabilities.

5. Nokia IP/MPLS Network Management: This topic covers the management of IP/MPLS networks, including monitoring, performance optimization, and capacity planning

What are the Sample Questions of Nokia 4A0-116 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
2. What are the topics covered on the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
3. What is the format of the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
4. How many questions are there on the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
5. What is the passing score for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
6. What is the time limit for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
7. What is the cost of the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
8. What are the prerequisites for taking the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
9. What resources are available to help prepare for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?
10. What is the best way to study for the Nokia 4A0-116 exam?

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