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PCCSA Exam Dumps - Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate

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Exam Code: PCCSA

Exam Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate

Certification Provider: Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks

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Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam FAQs

Introduction of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam!

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is a certification exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall. It covers subjects such as the installation and configuration of the firewall, routing and NAT, security policies, App-ID, User-ID, WildFire, GlobalProtect and SSL VPN.

What is the Duration of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The duration of the Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is 90 minutes.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions.

What is the Passing Score for Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The passing score required in the Palo Alto Networks PCCSA exam is 80%.

What is the Competency Level required for Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The Competency Level required for the Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is the basic level of understanding and knowledge of the Palo Alto Networks security platform. The PCCSA exam is designed to test an individual’s ability to understand the fundamental concepts, architecture and capabilities of the Palo Alto Networks platform.

What is the Question Format of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is a multiple-choice exam with a mix of single-answer, multiple-answer, and fill-in-the-blank questions.

How Can You Take Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is offered in both online and in-person testing centers. The online exam is administered through the Palo Alto Networks Certification Portal. The in-person exam is administered through Pearson VUE, a global provider of testing services.

What Language Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam is Offered?

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The cost of the Palo Alto Networks PCCSA exam is $300 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The target audience for the Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam is IT professionals who have experience in networking and cybersecurity, such as network administrators, security engineers, and security analysts.

What is the Average Salary of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a professional with a Palo Alto Networks PCCSA certification is around $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

Palo Alto Networks offers the official PCCSA exam through Pearson VUE. Pearson VUE is an authorized testing center for the PCCSA exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The recommended experience for the Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam includes a minimum of six months of hands-on experience with the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls, including the configuration, management, and troubleshooting of the Palo Alto Networks operating system and features. Additionally, the candidate should have a basic understanding of networking concepts, including routing, switching, and security.

What are the Prerequisites of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The Prerequisite for Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam is to have a good understanding of the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall. It is recommended that candidates have at least 6-12 months of experience with the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The official website to check the expected retirement date of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA exam is https://education.paloaltonetworks.com/learning/certification/certification-exam-retirement-dates.

What is the Difficulty Level of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

The difficulty level of the Palo Alto Networks PCCSA exam is considered to be moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

1. Become familiar with the Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam objectives.

2. Review the recommended training resources for the PCCSA exam.

3. Register and schedule your PCCSA exam with Pearson VUE.

4. Use the recommended training resources to prepare for the exam.

5. Take the PCCSA exam.

6. Receive your PCCSA certification.

What are the Topics Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam Covers?

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) exam covers the following topics:

1. Network Security Fundamentals: This section covers the basic concepts of network security, including security principles, common threats, and security architectures.

2. Firewall Technologies: This section covers the fundamentals of firewall technologies, including how they are used to protect networks and how to configure them.

3. Network Address Translation (NAT): This section covers the basics of NAT, including how it is used to protect networks and how to configure it.

4. User Identification and Access Control: This section covers the basics of user identification and access control, including authentication methods, authorization policies, and user access control models.

5. VPN Technologies: This section covers the fundamentals of VPN technologies, including how they are used to protect networks and how to configure them.

6. Content Security: This section covers the basics of content security, including how it is

What are the Sample Questions of Palo Alto Networks PCCSA Exam?

1. What are the four main components of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
2. Describe the functionality of App-ID in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform.
3. How does User-ID enable context-aware security in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
4. What is the purpose of the GlobalProtect feature in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
5. How does the Threat Prevention feature of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform work?
6. What is the role of the WildFire feature in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
7. What are the components of the URL Filtering feature in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
8. What is the purpose of the Traps feature in the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform?
9. How does the PAN-OS operating system enable the secure segmentation of networks?
10. Describe the functions of the GlobalProtect cloud service in the Palo Alto


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