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PCNSA Exam Dumps - Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)

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Exam Code: PCNSA

Exam Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)

Certification Provider: Palo Alto Networks

Corresponding Certifications: Network Security Administrator , Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations

Palo Alto Networks

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PCNSA: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0) Study Material and Test Engine

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Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam FAQs

Introduction of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam!

Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) is an industry-recognized certification for networking professionals who specialize in security implementations on the Palo Alto Networks platform. The PCNSA exam is designed to test an individual’s knowledge of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation firewalls, Panorama, and GlobalProtect.

What is the Duration of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The duration of the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is 90 minutes.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

There are no specific details available about the number of questions in the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam. The exam is a performance-based test and each exam is tailored to the candidate's skill level.

What is the Passing Score for Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The passing score required in Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is 80%.

What is the Competency Level required for Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The Competency Level required for the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is Intermediate.

What is the Question Format of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam consists of multiple-choice and multiple-response questions.

How Can You Take Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam can be taken either online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you will need to create an account on the Palo Alto Networks website and purchase the exam. Once purchased, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the exam. To take the exam in a testing center, you will need to contact a local Pearson VUE testing center and register for the exam.

What Language Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam is Offered?

The Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The cost of the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam is $300 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The target audience for the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is IT professionals who are responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls. This includes network administrators, security engineers, and system administrators.

What is the Average Salary of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a Palo Alto Networks PCNSA certified professional is around $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is offered by Pearson VUE, an online testing service. Pearson VUE provides testing for a variety of certification exams, including the PCNSA exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The recommended experience for the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is a minimum of six months of hands-on experience with Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls, including the configuration and management of the following technologies:

- Networking fundamentals (TCP/IP, routing, switching, etc)
- Security policies
- User identification and authentication
- URL filtering
- SSL decryption
- WildFire
- GlobalProtect
- Panorama
- Traps
- App-ID
- Content-ID
- URL filtering
- Data Filtering
- Logging and reporting

What are the Prerequisites of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The Prerequisite for Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam is that you must have a valid PCNSE (Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer) certification.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The official website to check the expected retirement date of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/services/certification/pcnsp/pcnsp-exam-retirement-dates.

What is the Difficulty Level of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The difficulty level of the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam is considered to be moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

The certification roadmap for the Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam consists of the following steps:

1. Complete the Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) course.

2. Pass the PCNSA exam.

3. Maintain your certification by completing the Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) recertification course every two years.

4. Pass the PCNSA recertification exam every two years.

What are the Topics Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam Covers?

The Palo Alto Networks PCNSA exam covers the following topics:

1. Network Fundamentals: This section covers basic networking concepts such as IP addressing, routing, switching, and firewall architectures.

2. Firewall Policies and Objects: This section covers the configuration and management of firewall policies and objects, such as zones, address objects, services, and applications.

3. User Identification: This section covers the configuration and management of user identification methods, such as authentication and authorization.

4. Security Policies: This section covers the configuration and management of security policies, such as content filtering, URL filtering, and application control.

5. VPN: This section covers the configuration and management of VPNs, such as IPsec, SSL, and remote access.

6. High Availability: This section covers the configuration and management of high availability features, such as virtual systems and link monitoring.

7. Network Troubleshooting: This section covers troubles

What are the Sample Questions of Palo Alto Networks PCNSA Exam?

1. What is the purpose of User-ID in the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall?
2. What are the steps to configure an IPSec VPN tunnel on a Palo Alto Networks firewall?
3. Explain the differences between App-ID and User-ID in the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall.
4. Describe the process of establishing a GlobalProtect VPN connection on a Palo Alto Networks firewall.
5. What are the key features of the Palo Alto Networks WildFire service?
6. How can you use the URL Filtering feature on a Palo Alto Networks firewall?
7. Explain the purpose and use of Layer 7 application visibility and control on a Palo Alto Networks firewall.
8. Describe the process of creating and managing security policies on a Palo Alto Networks firewall.
9. What are the differences between the PAN-OS and PAN-OS for VM-Series?
10. Explain the process of configuring and managing high availability


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