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PMI-PBA Exam Dumps - PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)

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Exam Code: PMI-PBA

Exam Name: PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)

Certification Provider: PMI

Certification Exam Name: PMI Professional in Business Analysis


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Introduction of PMI PMI-PBA Exam!

PMI-PBA stands for the Project Management Institute's Professional in Business Analysis certification. It is a professional certification exam that assesses the candidate's knowledge and skills in business analysis. The exam covers topics such as organizational structures, process analysis, requirements analysis, technical solutions, and project management.

What is the Duration of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam is a two-hour, multiple-choice exam consisting of 175 questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

There are a total of 120 multiple-choice questions on the PMI-PBA exam.

What is the Passing Score for PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The passing score is a scaled score of 61 or higher out of a total possible score of 100.

What is the Competency Level required for PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam requires a professional level of competency. Applicants must demonstrate their experience and education in project management and business analysis. This includes a minimum of 8,000 hours of business analysis experience, or a combination of 4,500 hours of business analysis experience and a related degree.

What is the Question Format of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, with a maximum of four possible answers for each question. The questions are divided into five domains: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring, Elicitation and Collaboration, Requirements Life Cycle Management, Strategy Analysis, and Solution Evaluation.

How Can You Take PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam can be taken either online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you must first register with PMI and create an account. Once you have done this, you will be able to select the online exam option and purchase the exam. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to access the online exam.

To take the exam in a testing center, you must register with PMI and create an account. Once you have done this, you will be able to select the testing center option and purchase the exam. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to locate the testing center and what to bring with you on the day of the exam.

What Language PMI PMI-PBA Exam is Offered?

The PMI-PBA exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam is offered for a fee of $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members.

What is the Target Audience of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The target audience for the PMI PMI-PBA Exam is project management professionals who are looking to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of business analysis principles and practices. The exam is designed to assess the candidate’s ability to apply business analysis practices to real-world scenarios and to assess the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders.

What is the Average Salary of PMI PMI-PBA Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a PMI-PBA certified professional varies depending on the industry, geographic location, and experience. Generally, PMI-PBA certified professionals can expect to earn an average salary of around $90,000.

Who are the Testing Providers of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers the PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) certification exam. The exam is administered by Pearson VUE, which is an authorized testing center for PMI exams.

What is the Recommended Experience for PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The recommended experience for the PMI PMI-PBA exam is a minimum of four years of project management experience, with at least 7,500 hours spent leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of project management education.

What are the Prerequisites of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The PMI-PBA exam requires that you have a minimum of 7,500 hours of business analysis experience and 35 hours of business analysis education. You must also be a current PMI member.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The official website for the PMI-PBA exam is https://www.pmi.org/certifications/types/business-analysis-pba. On this website, you can find information about the exam, including the expected retirement date.

What is the Difficulty Level of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

The difficulty level of the PMI PMI-PBA exam is moderate. It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of business analysis professionals in the areas of business analysis planning and monitoring, enterprise analysis, requirements management and analysis, solution assessment and validation, and stakeholder management.

What is the Roadmap / Track of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

1. Review the PMI-PBA Exam Content Outline: The PMI-PBA Exam Content Outline outlines the topics and skills that will be tested on the PMI-PBA Exam. Understanding the exam content outline is essential to developing a successful certification roadmap.

2. Develop a Study Plan: Once you understand the exam content outline, you should create a study plan that outlines how you will prepare for the exam. This plan should include the topics you need to study, the resources you will use to study, and the timeline for completing your studies.

3. Take Practice Exams: Taking practice exams is an important step in preparing for the PMI-PBA Exam. Practice exams can help you identify areas of weakness and focus your studies.

4. Attend a PMI-PBA Exam Prep Course: Attending a PMI-PBA Exam Prep Course can help you gain a better understanding of the exam content and provide you with

What are the Topics PMI PMI-PBA Exam Covers?

The PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) exam covers the following topics:

1. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: This topic covers the planning and monitoring of business analysis activities, including the development of business analysis plans and the identification of appropriate stakeholders.

2. Requirements Life Cycle Management: This topic covers the management of the requirements life cycle, including the development of requirements, the validation of requirements, and the management of changes to requirements.

3. Enterprise Analysis: This topic covers the analysis of an organization’s business environment, including the identification of opportunities, the analysis of business processes, and the development of business cases.

4. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition: This topic covers the analysis and design of requirements, including the identification of requirements, the analysis of requirements, and the design of requirements.

5. Solution Evaluation: This topic covers the evaluation of solutions, including the evaluation of solutions against business objectives and the evaluation

What are the Sample Questions of PMI PMI-PBA Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Business Analysis Plan?
2. What are the different types of stakeholders and how do they influence the business analysis process?
3. What is the difference between a requirements traceability matrix and a requirements traceability log?
4. How does a business analyst use modeling techniques to understand the current and future states of a business?
5. What is the purpose of a stakeholder analysis and how do you go about conducting one?
6. What techniques can be used to identify and manage risks associated with a project?
7. What are the different types of requirements and how do they differ?
8. What is the purpose of a requirements management plan and how do you go about creating one?
9. What is the purpose of a stakeholder engagement plan and how do you go about creating one?
10. How can a business analyst use data analysis techniques to support decision making?


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Dec 21, 2023

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Dec 20, 2023

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South Korea
Dec 19, 2023

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Dec 15, 2023

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Dec 14, 2023

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Dec 13, 2023

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South Korea
Dec 13, 2023

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Dec 07, 2023

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Dec 04, 2023

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Dec 04, 2023

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Dec 04, 2023

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United States
Dec 03, 2023

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Hong Kong
Dec 01, 2023

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