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PMI-SP Exam Dumps - PMI Scheduling Professional

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Exam Code: PMI-SP

Exam Name: PMI Scheduling Professional

Certification Provider: PMI

Corresponding Certifications: PMI Certification , PMI-SP


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PMI-SP: PMI Scheduling Professional Study Material and Test Engine

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53 Customers Passed PMI PMI-SP Exam
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Introduction of PMI PMI-SP Exam!

The PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® is a certification exam offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of a project scheduler in the areas of scheduling techniques, tools and processes, resource optimization, project planning, and project control. It is the only certification of its kind offered by PMI and is designed to elevate the practice of schedule management to a professional level.

What is the Duration of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP exam is a two-hour, multiple-choice exam consisting of 150 questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in PMI PMI-SP Exam?

There are 180 multiple-choice questions on the PMI-SP exam.

What is the Passing Score for PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The passing score for the PMI-SP exam is 67%.

What is the Competency Level required for PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP exam requires that applicants demonstrate an intermediate level of competency in project scheduling. To qualify for the PMI-SP credential, applicants must demonstrate that they possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively manage, oversee, and/or lead project scheduling activities.

What is the Question Format of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) exam consists of multiple-choice questions in a multiple-choice format. The questions are designed to measure the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage the scheduling of projects. The PMI-SP exam also includes scenario-based questions that require the test taker to analyze a situation and select the best response.

How Can You Take PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP exam is available online and at testing centers. To take the exam online, you will need to register for the exam through the PMI website and pay the exam fee. You will then be given access to the online exam platform, where you will be able to take the exam. To take the exam at a testing center, you will need to register for the exam through the PMI website and pay the exam fee. You will then receive an email from the PMI with a link to the Prometric website. You will then need to select a testing center and schedule a time to take the exam.

What Language PMI PMI-SP Exam is Offered?

The PMI-SP exam is available in English.

What is the Cost of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The cost of the PMI-SP exam is $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members.

What is the Target Audience of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The target audience of the PMI PMI-SP Exam is project managers who have experience with project scheduling and who wish to become certified as a PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP).

What is the Average Salary of PMI PMI-SP Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a PMI-SP certified professional is typically around $90,000 per year, but this can vary depending on the specific industry and location.

Who are the Testing Providers of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the official provider of the PMI-SP exam. The PMI-SP exam is administered through Prometric Testing Centers. You can register for the exam and find a testing center near you by visiting the PMI website.

What is the Recommended Experience for PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The recommended experience for the PMI PMI-SP Exam is a minimum of 5,000 hours of project scheduling experience, including at least 3,500 hours in leading and directing projects. Candidates must also have 35 contact hours of formal project scheduling education.

What are the Prerequisites of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP exam requires applicants to have a minimum of 2,000 hours of project scheduling experience and 23 contact hours of project scheduling education.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The official PMI website does not provide expected retirement dates for their certification exams. You can find information about the PMI-SP exam on the PMI website, but the retirement date is not provided.

What is the Difficulty Level of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP exam is rated as "Advanced" on the PMI certification difficulty scale.

What is the Roadmap / Track of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

The PMI-SP certification roadmap consists of the following steps:

1. Complete the PMI-SP Eligibility Requirements

2. Submit an application to the PMI-SP certification program

3. Pass the PMI-SP Exam

4. Meet the PMI-SP Continuing Certification Requirements

5. Receive your PMI-SP Certification

6. Maintain your PMI-SP certification through continuing education and professional development activities.

What are the Topics PMI PMI-SP Exam Covers?

The PMI-SP exam covers the following topics:

1. Project Management Framework: This topic covers the fundamentals of project management, including the purpose, principles, processes, and tools used to manage projects.

2. Scheduling: This topic covers the methods and techniques used to create, maintain, and control project schedules.

3. Risk Management: This topic covers the processes used to identify, analyze, and respond to project risks.

4. Resource Management: This topic covers the processes used to assign, manage, and control resources for a project.

5. Quality Management: This topic covers the principles, processes, and tools used to ensure that the project meets the customer’s quality requirements.

6. Earned Value Management: This topic covers the processes and techniques used to measure project performance and progress.

7. Stakeholder Management: This topic covers the processes used to identify, analyze, and manage the expectations of

What are the Sample Questions of PMI PMI-SP Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Earned Value Management System (EVMS)?
2. Describe the process for developing a project schedule.
3. What are the benefits of using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?
4. How does a project manager ensure that all stakeholders are adequately informed about the project progress?
5. What are the key components of a Risk Management Plan?
6. Describe the process for evaluating and selecting vendors for a project.
7. What techniques can a project manager use to motivate team members?
8. How can a project manager identify and manage project risks?
9. What are the benefits of using project management software?
10. How can a project manager ensure that the project is completed on time and on budget?


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Jun 03, 2024

DumpsArena PMI Scheduling Professional course is a game-changer! Thorough content, interactive modules, and expert guidance make it a top choice. Thanks to DumpsArena, I'm now a certified PMI-SP!
Jun 02, 2024

DumpsArena PMI-SP Exam Prep exceeded my expectations! The comprehensive study guide, extensive question bank, and personalized progress tracking ensured my success. Thanks to DumpsArena, I achieved my career goals with ease.
May 29, 2024

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Hong Kong
May 22, 2024

Kudos to DumpsArena for their exceptional PMI-SP Exam Questions! The depth of coverage, accuracy, and user-friendly interface make it a standout resource. Thanks to DumpsArena, I achieved my PMI-SP certification effortlessly.
May 19, 2024

DumpsArena PMI Scheduling Professional training is exceptional! Comprehensive content, interactive modules, and expert guidance make it a top choice. Thanks to DumpsArena, I'm now a certified PMI-SP!
South Korea
May 13, 2024

Impressed with DumpsArena PMI Scheduling Professional training! The in-depth coverage, practical exercises, and personalized support ensured my success. Thanks to DumpsArena, I passed my PMI-SP exam with confidence. Highly recommend!
South Africa
May 11, 2024

Impressed with DumpsArena PMI Scheduling Professional Online Course! The comprehensive content, real-world examples, and self-paced learning options ensured my success. Thanks to DumpsArena, I passed my PMI-SP exam with ease. Highly recommend!
United States
May 11, 2024

DumpsArena PMI-SP Exam Prep is a game-changer! Comprehensive study materials, realistic practice tests, and expert guidance make it a top choice. Thanks to DumpsArena, I aced my PMI-SP exam with confidence!
May 09, 2024

DumpsArena PMI Scheduling Professional course exceeded my expectations! The comprehensive study materials, insightful videos, and mock exams prepared me thoroughly for the certification. Thanks to DumpsArena, I achieved my career milestone with ease.
May 07, 2024

DumpsArena PMI-SP Exam Questions are gold! Comprehensive coverage, challenging scenarios, and detailed explanations make it a top choice. Thanks to DumpsArena, I cleared my PMI-SP exam with flying colours!
South Korea
Dec 26, 2023

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Dec 22, 2023

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Dec 19, 2023

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Dec 18, 2023

„Ein großes Lob an DumpsArena für die erstklassigen PMI-SP-Prüfungsressourcen. Die Studienhandbücher sind umfassend und die Übungsfragen waren für meine Vorbereitung von unschätzbarem Wert. Ich kann DumpsArena nur wärmstens empfehlen!“
Dec 18, 2023

"Impressionado com a eficácia do DumpsArena na preparação para o exame PMI-SP. Os materiais de estudo são bem organizados e as questões práticas são um espelho perfeito do exame real. Altamente recomendado!"
Dec 12, 2023

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United States
Dec 11, 2023

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United Kingdom
Dec 10, 2023

¡Los materiales del examen PMI-SP de DumpsArena son oro! Concisos pero completos, hacen que estudiar sea muy sencillo. ¡Aprobé mi examen con gran éxito, gracias a DumpsArena!
Dec 10, 2023

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Dec 06, 2023

"DumpsArena provou ser um recurso inestimável para minha jornada no exame PMI-SP. As explicações detalhadas que acompanham cada pergunta me ajudaram a entender os conceitos completamente. Obrigado, DumpsArena, por fazer minha preparação valer a pena!"
South Africa
Dec 06, 2023

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Hong Kong
Dec 05, 2023

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Dec 01, 2023

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Dec 01, 2023

"Se você está se preparando para o exame PMI-SP, não procure mais, DumpsArena. A interface amigável do site e os materiais de estudo de alta qualidade são incomparáveis. Aprovado com louvor, tudo graças ao DumpsArena!"
Nov 26, 2023

"Parabéns ao DumpsArena por seu excelente suporte na preparação para o exame PMI-SP. Os exames práticos foram precisos, refletindo a estrutura real do teste. DumpsArena realmente se destaca na preparação para o exame."
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