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CPQ-Specialist Exam Dumps - Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist (WI25)

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Exam Code: CPQ-Specialist

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist (WI25)

Certification Provider: Salesforce

Certification Exam Name: CPQ Specialist


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CPQ-Specialist: Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist (WI25) Study Material and Test Engine

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Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam FAQs

Introduction of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam!

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is a certification exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in configuring, managing, and deploying Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) solutions. The exam covers topics such as product and pricing configuration, quote generation, and order management. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to configure and manage Salesforce CPQ solutions to pass the exam.

What is the Duration of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

There are 60 questions on the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam.

What is the Passing Score for Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The passing score required for the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is 65%.

What is the Competency Level required for Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam requires a minimum of 6-12 months of hands-on experience with the Salesforce CPQ platform. Candidates should also have a basic understanding of the Salesforce platform, including architecture, features, and capabilities.

What is the Question Format of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam consists of multiple choice, multiple select, and drag-and-drop questions.

How Can You Take Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is available online and in testing centers. To take the exam online, you must register and purchase an exam voucher from the Salesforce website. Once you have registered and purchased the exam voucher, you will receive an email with a link to the exam. You can then access the exam from any computer with an internet connection. To take the exam in a testing center, you must register and purchase an exam voucher from the Salesforce website. Once you have registered and purchased the exam voucher, you will receive an email with a link to a testing center. You can then go to the testing center and take the exam.

What Language Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam is Offered?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is offered for a fee of $200 USD.

What is the Target Audience of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The target audience of the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam is sales professionals, sales engineers, and other personnel who need to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, and Quote).

What is the Average Salary of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a Salesforce CPQ-Specialist is $97,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

Salesforce offers the CPQ-Specialist exam directly through their website. You can register to take the exam online and have it proctored remotely or in-person at a testing center. You can also find a list of Salesforce-authorized training partners who offer the exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The recommended experience for the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is having two or more years of hands-on experience with Salesforce CPQ and related products. This includes experience with product selection, pricing, quoting, and order management. Familiarity with Salesforce configuration, automation tools, and related ecosystem solutions is also recommended.

What are the Prerequisites of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

In order to take the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam, candidates must have a minimum of six (6) months of experience working with Salesforce CPQ. Additionally, candidates should be familiar with the Salesforce CPQ technology, including its features, functionalities, and components.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The official website for Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/certifications/salesforce-cpq-specialist. You can find the expected retirement date of the exam on the page.

What is the Difficulty Level of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The difficulty level of the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam is considered to be intermediate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam is a certification exam that tests an individual's knowledge and skills related to the Salesforce CPQ product. The exam covers topics such as product configuration, pricing and quoting, and order management. It is designed to measure an individual's ability to configure, deploy, and manage Salesforce CPQ solutions. The certification roadmap for the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam includes three steps: Step 1: Pass the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam. Step 2: Complete the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Certification Program. Step 3: Maintain your certification status by taking the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam every two years.

What are the Topics Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam Covers?

The Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam covers the following topics:

1. Configuring Products and Price Rules: This section covers the configuration of products, price rules, and product bundles. It covers the creation, configuration, and management of products, price rules, and product bundles.

2. Configuring and Managing Quotes, Orders, and Renewals: This section covers the configuration and management of quotes, orders, and renewals. It covers the creation, configuration, and management of quotes, orders, and renewals.

3. Applying Advanced Business Processes: This section covers the application of advanced business processes. It covers the use of approval processes, workflow rules, and automation.

4. Integrating with Other Systems: This section covers the integration of Salesforce CPQ with other systems. It covers the integration of Salesforce CPQ with external systems and third-party applications.

5. Managing Security and Data Access: This

What are the Sample Questions of Salesforce CPQ-Specialist Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam?
2. What are the key topics covered in the Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam?
3. How can a Salesforce CPQ-Specialist help a company maximize their sales efficiency?
4. What are the best practices for setting up and managing an efficient Salesforce CPQ system?
5. What are the different components of a Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam?
6. What are the benefits of using Salesforce CPQ-Specialist certification?
7. How can Salesforce CPQ-Specialist certification help a company increase their sales?
8. What are the different strategies for successful Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam preparation?
9. What are the common mistakes made by Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam takers?
10. What are the key areas of focus for Salesforce CPQ-Specialist exam preparation?


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Dec 27, 2023

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Dec 23, 2023

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Dec 22, 2023

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Dec 22, 2023

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Dec 20, 2023

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United Kingdom
Dec 18, 2023

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Dec 18, 2023

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Dec 14, 2023

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Dec 13, 2023

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Dec 13, 2023

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United Kingdom
Dec 12, 2023

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United Kingdom
Dec 12, 2023

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Dec 09, 2023

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Dec 08, 2023

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Dec 07, 2023

"Não posso agradecer o suficiente à DumpsArena por seus excelentes materiais para o exame CPQ-Specialist. As questões práticas foram corretas e me senti confiante para fazer o exame. Altamente recomendado!"
Dec 01, 2023

Embarque em sua jornada no Exame CPQ-Specialist com confiança! DumpsArena oferece materiais de estudo abrangentes, garantindo o sucesso. Explore os principais conceitos e pratique exames na plataforma amigável do DumpsArena.
Dec 01, 2023

"DumpsArena é uma virada de jogo para a preparação para o exame CPQ-Specialist! Os materiais de estudo são de primeira linha e eu passei no exame graças aos seus recursos abrangentes."
Nov 26, 2023

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Nov 23, 2023

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