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Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam Dumps - Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect (WI25)

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Exam Code: Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect (WI25)

Certification Provider: Salesforce

Certification Exam Name: Identity and Access Management Designer


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Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect: Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect (WI25) Study Material and Test Engine

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Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam FAQs

Introduction of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam!

The Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect (IAM) certification is a professional-level credential that validates a candidate's expertise in designing, developing, and managing identity and access management solutions for Salesforce. The exam covers topics such as identity and access management policies and processes, identity lifecycle management, authorization, user provisioning, authentication, federation, and security. Candidates should have a solid understanding of the Salesforce platform, especially around identity and access management solutions.

What is the Duration of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect exam is a two-hour exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

There are 60 questions on the Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect exam.

What is the Passing Score for Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The passing score for the Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architecture Designer exam is 65%.

What is the Competency Level required for Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The required competency level for the Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam is Advanced.

What is the Question Format of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect exam includes multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.

How Can You Take Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam can be taken online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you must register for the exam through the Salesforce website. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with a link to the exam. You will then be able to access the exam and complete it within the allotted time. To take the exam in a testing center, you must contact a local testing center and arrange for a time to take the exam. You will need to bring a valid form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport, to the testing center.

What Language Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam is Offered?

The Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The cost of the Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam is $200.

What is the Target Audience of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The target audience for the Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam is Salesforce professionals who have experience in designing and implementing identity and access management solutions on the Salesforce platform. This includes Salesforce administrators, developers, architects, and consultants.

What is the Average Salary of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Certified in the Market?

The average salary for a Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect is $124,000 per year in the United States. Salaries can vary significantly depending on experience, location, and other factors.

Who are the Testing Providers of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam is administered by Salesforce, so they are the only ones who can provide testing for the exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The recommended experience for the Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam is to have at least three years of experience in designing and implementing Salesforce Identity and Access Management solutions. Additionally, it is recommended to have a deep understanding of Salesforce Identity and Access Management features, such as Single Sign-On, Identity Connect, and Access Controls.

What are the Prerequisites of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Prerequisite for Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam is to have 5+ years of experience in designing and implementing Identity and Access Management solutions. Additionally, candidates must have a valid Salesforce Administrator certification.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The expected retirement date for the Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect exam is not available on any official website. You may need to contact Salesforce directly for this information.

What is the Difficulty Level of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect exam is considered to be of intermediate difficulty level.

What is the Roadmap / Track of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

The Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect certification roadmap consists of the following steps:

1. Complete the Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect (IAM) course.

2. Pass the Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect (IAM) exam.

3. Earn the Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect credential.

4. Maintain the Salesforce Certified Identity and Access Management Architect credential by completing the required continuing education activities.

What are the Topics Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam Covers?

The Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architect exam covers topics related to designing and managing secure access to Salesforce applications. Topics include designing single sign-on (SSO) solutions, managing user access, configuring delegated authentication, designing access control policies, and managing identity data. Additionally, the exam covers topics related to designing identity management solutions, integrating identity data, and troubleshooting identity-related issues.

What are the Sample Questions of Salesforce Identity-and-Access-Management-Architect Exam?

1. What are the components of Salesforce Identity and Access Management?
2. How does Salesforce Identity and Access Management enable secure access to applications?
3. What are the best practices for implementing a Salesforce Identity and Access Management architecture?
4. How can Salesforce Identity and Access Management be used to protect sensitive data?
5. How does Salesforce Identity and Access Management integrate with third-party identity providers?
6. What are the challenges associated with managing a Salesforce Identity and Access Management system?
7. How can Salesforce Identity and Access Management be used to enforce access control policies?
8. How can Salesforce Identity and Access Management be used to audit user access?
9. What are the different authentication methods available in Salesforce Identity and Access Management?
10. What are the steps involved in setting up a Salesforce Identity and Access Management system?


* The most recent comments are at the top
Dec 18, 2023

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United States
Dec 17, 2023

Navegue pelas complexidades da Certificação de Designer de Gerenciamento de Identidade e Acesso com confiança, graças aos materiais de estudo com curadoria especializada da DumpsArena.
Dec 15, 2023

Seu caminho para a certificação: Excel no Salesforce - Exame Designer de gerenciamento de identidade e acesso com estratégias comprovadas da DumpsArena. Aumente sua confiança, reforce seu conhecimento e conquiste o exame com facilidade.
United States
Dec 13, 2023

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Dec 09, 2023

Preparação perfeita para o exame: navegar pelas complexidades do exame Salesforce Identity and Access Management Designer é fácil com DumpsArena. Sua plataforma fácil de usar e recursos atualizados tornam o aprendizado agradável e eficaz.
Dec 06, 2023

Desbloqueie o sucesso com DumpsArena: eleve sua carreira fazendo o exame Salesforce Identity and Access Management Designer. Os materiais de estudo abrangentes do DumpsArena garantem que você esteja bem preparado para o sucesso.
South Korea
Dec 01, 2023

Alcance a excelência na Certificação de Designer de Gerenciamento de Identidade e Acesso com os materiais de estudo de ponta da DumpsArena e a abordagem estratégica para preparação para exames.
Nov 28, 2023

Abra as portas para o sucesso na Certificação Designer de Gerenciamento de Identidade e Acesso com DumpsArena, sua fonte de referência para recursos de exames confiáveis e eficazes.
Nov 28, 2023

Garanta seu sucesso na certificação Designer de gerenciamento de identidade e acesso com DumpsArena - líder do setor em preparação para certificação.
South Korea
Nov 21, 2023

DumpsArena: seu companheiro de exame: confie no DumpsArena para ser seu melhor companheiro de estudo para o exame Salesforce Identity and Access Management Designer. Acessível, confiável e orientado a resultados – embarque hoje mesmo em sua jornada de certificação.
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