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C_THR91_1811 Exam Dumps - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018

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Exam Code: C_THR91_1811

Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018

Certification Provider: SAP

Certification Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate


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C_THR91_1811: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018 Study Material and Test Engine

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SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam FAQs

Introduction of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam!

The SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam is a 90-minute exam that tests your knowledge and skills in the area of SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0. It is designed to assess your ability to configure, implement, and maintain the SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 solution. The exam covers topics such as configuring the Onboarding solution, setting up the Onboarding process, and managing the Onboarding process.

What is the Duration of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The duration of the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is 180 minutes.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The SAP C_THR91_1811 exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions.

What is the Passing Score for SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The passing score required in the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is 68%.

What is the Competency Level required for SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The minimum competency level required for the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is a basic understanding of the SAP HCM system and its components. Candidates should have a basic understanding of the SAP HCM system, its components, and the processes involved in managing employee data. Additionally, candidates should have a basic understanding of the SAP HCM system's security and authorization concepts.

What is the Question Format of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The SAP C_THR91_1811 exam consists of multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and fill-in-the-blank questions.

How Can You Take SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The SAP C_THR91_1811 exam can be taken either online or at a testing center. To take the exam online, you must first create an account with the SAP website. Once you have done this, you can select the exam you wish to take and pay the associated fee. Once payment is received, you will be given a registration code, which you will use to access the exam. At a testing center, you must present valid identification, such as a driver's license or passport, and pay the associated fee. Once payment is received, you will be given a registration code and a time to take the exam.

What Language SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam is Offered?

SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is offered in English language only.

What is the Cost of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The cost of the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is $550.

What is the Target Audience of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The target audience of the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is intended for HR professionals who want to validate their abilities and knowledge in the area of HR Renewal 1.0. This certification is designed for those professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in HR Renewal 1.0 and prove their skills in the related domains.

What is the Average Salary of SAP C_THR91_1811 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for professionals with SAP C_THR91_1811 certification is around $90,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam can be taken at the SAP Education Centers. Candidates can also take the exam at Pearson VUE or Kryterion testing centers.

What is the Recommended Experience for SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The recommended experience for the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is that candidates should have a basic understanding of SAP Human Capital Management (HCM) processes, tools and techniques. They should also have at least six months experience in implementing and configuring SAP HCM solutions. Additionally, candidates should possess a minimum of one year of experience in the use of SAP ERP Human Capital Management.

What are the Prerequisites of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The Prerequisite for SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam is that the candidates must have at least one year of professional experience in Human Capital Management (HCM) processes.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The official online website to check the expected retirement date of SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is the SAP Certification and Training website. The link is https://training.sap.com/certification/c_thr91_1811-sap-certified-application-associate-sap-successfactors-onboarding-1811-g/

What is the Difficulty Level of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The difficulty level of the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

The certification track/roadmap for the SAP C_THR91_1811 exam is as follows:

1. Complete the SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam.

2. Complete the SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam.

3. Complete the SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 3.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam.

4. Complete the SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 4.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_1811) exam.

5. Complete the SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 5.0 Q4/2018 (C_THR91_18

What are the Topics SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam Covers?

The SAP C_THR91_1811 exam covers the following topics:

1. Recruitment: This topic covers the process of recruiting and selecting employees, including job postings, interviewing, and onboarding.

2. Employee Development: This topic covers the process of developing and managing employee performance, including training, coaching, and feedback.

3. Compensation and Benefits: This topic covers the process of designing and managing compensation and benefits packages, including salary, bonuses, and benefits.

4. Employee Relations: This topic covers the process of managing employee relations, including employee engagement, conflict resolution, and labor relations.

5. Talent Management: This topic covers the process of managing and developing talent, including succession planning, career development, and performance management.

6. SAP SuccessFactors: This topic covers the SAP SuccessFactors suite of products, including the Employee Central, Recruiting, and Performance & Goals modules.

What are the Sample Questions of SAP C_THR91_1811 Exam?

1. What are the different types of payroll elements available in SAP HCM?
2. How is the payroll period determined in SAP HCM?
3. How is the infotype data stored in SAP HCM?
4. What are the different types of wage types and how are they used?
5. How is the payroll run configured in SAP HCM?
6. How is the payroll results data transferred to the financial system?
7. What are the different types of collective agreements and how do they affect payroll processing?
8. What are the different types of deductions and how are they calculated?
9. How is the payroll tax calculation configured in SAP HCM?
10. How is the time evaluation process configured in SAP HCM?

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