PR000370 Exam Dumps - ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
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Exam Code: PR000370
Exam Name: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
Certification Provider: ServiceNow
Certification Exam Name: ServiceNow Certifications
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ServiceNow PR000370 Exam FAQs
Introduction of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam!
ServiceNow Certified System Administrator PR000370 is an exam designed to test a candidate's knowledge about the ServiceNow platform, including its features, functionality, and architecture. The exam is designed to assess a candidate's ability to properly implement and configure ServiceNow components, understand and troubleshoot issues, and manage user access.
What is the Duration of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam is a 90-minute exam consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
There are 60 questions on the ServiceNow PR000370 exam.
What is the Passing Score for ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The passing score for the ServiceNow PR000370 exam is 66%.
What is the Competency Level required for ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam requires a basic level of competency in ServiceNow. It is intended for individuals who are new to the ServiceNow platform and are looking to gain an understanding of the core features and functionality.
What is the Question Format of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
How Can You Take ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam is offered in both online and in-person testing center formats. The online format is delivered via the Kryterion Global Testing Network, which allows you to take the exam from the convenience of your own home or office. The in-person format is offered through Pearson VUE testing centers.
What Language ServiceNow PR000370 Exam is Offered?
ServiceNow PR000370 Exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam is offered for a fee of $200.
What is the Target Audience of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The Target Audience of the ServiceNow PR000370 Exam is IT professionals who are looking to gain expertise in the ServiceNow platform and become certified ServiceNow System Administrators.
What is the Average Salary of ServiceNow PR000370 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a ServiceNow PR000370 certified professional is $90,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 exam can be taken through the ServiceNow Education Services website. ServiceNow Education Services provides a variety of options for taking the exam, including online, proctored, and on-site exams.
What is the Recommended Experience for ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The recommended experience for the ServiceNow PR000370 exam is two or more years of experience working with the ServiceNow platform. This experience should include working with the ServiceNow core platform, the ServiceNow applications, and the ServiceNow development tools. Additionally, it is beneficial to have experience with the ServiceNow scripting language, Jelly, and web services.
What are the Prerequisites of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The Prerequisite for ServiceNow PR000370 Exam is that the candidate must have at least 6 months of experience in ServiceNow platform.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The official ServiceNow website does not provide expected retirement dates for exams. You can check the ServiceNow Certification page for the most up-to-date information about available exams and their status.
What is the Difficulty Level of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The difficulty level of the ServiceNow PR000370 exam is considered to be moderate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
The ServiceNow PR000370 certification roadmap is as follows:
1. Complete the ServiceNow System Administrator Certification course.
2. Pass the ServiceNow System Administrator Certification Exam (PR000370).
3. Become a ServiceNow Certified System Administrator.
4. Continue to grow your ServiceNow skills and knowledge by attending ServiceNow training courses and/or taking additional ServiceNow certification exams.
5. Stay up to date with the latest ServiceNow releases and best practices.
What are the Topics ServiceNow PR000370 Exam Covers?
The topics covered in the ServiceNow PR000370 exam include:
1. ServiceNow Platform Fundamentals: This topic covers the basics of the ServiceNow platform, including its architecture, navigation, and user interface. It also covers concepts such as security, scalability, and extensibility.
2. Application Development: This topic covers the development of applications using ServiceNow, including the use of scripting and the ServiceNow Application Designer.
3. System Administration: This topic covers the administration of ServiceNow, including the creation of users and roles, managing the system configuration, and troubleshooting issues.
4. Implementation and Integration: This topic covers the implementation of ServiceNow and its integration with other systems. It also covers the use of web services and the creation of custom applications.
5. Data Management and Reporting: This topic covers the management of data in ServiceNow and the creation of reports. It also covers the use
What are the Sample Questions of ServiceNow PR000370 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of the ServiceNow Platform?
2. What is the difference between the ServiceNow Platform and the ServiceNow cloud?
3. What are the key components of the ServiceNow Platform?
4. How does the ServiceNow Platform handle security and compliance?
5. What are the benefits of using the ServiceNow Platform?
6. How does the ServiceNow Platform help organizations achieve their digital transformation goals?
7. What are the key features of the ServiceNow Platform?
8. What are the challenges associated with using the ServiceNow Platform?
9. What are the best practices for using the ServiceNow Platform?
10. How can customers get the most out of their ServiceNow Platform implementation?
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