CoreSpringV3.2 Exam Dumps - Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2)
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Exam Code: CoreSpringV3.2
Exam Name: Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2)
Certification Provider: SpringSource
Certification Exam Name: Spring Professional

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SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam FAQs
Introduction of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam!
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam is a certification exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in developing applications using the Spring Framework. The exam covers topics such as the Spring Framework architecture, configuration, and development, as well as the use of Spring-based technologies such as Spring Security, Spring Data, and Spring Integration.
What is the Duration of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The duration of the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is 90 minutes.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
There are a total of 60 questions on the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam.
What is the Passing Score for SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The passing score for the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The certification exam for SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 requires that candidates possess an intermediate-level of competency in developing applications using the Spring Framework.
What is the Question Format of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam is a multiple-choice exam which consists of 60 questions. Each question is worth 1 point and the exam is timed for 90 minutes.
How Can You Take SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam can be taken online or in a testing center. To take the exam online, you will need to register for the exam on the SpringSource website. Once registered, you will be able to access the exam and take it at your own pace. To take the exam in a testing center, you will need to contact a local testing center and register for the exam. The testing center will provide you with the necessary materials and instructions for taking the exam.
What Language SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is Offered?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The cost of the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is $250 USD.
What is the Target Audience of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The target audience for the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is software developers and architects who want to demonstrate their expertise in developing Java applications using the Spring Framework.
What is the Average Salary of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a professional with SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam certification is around $90,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam is administered by Pearson VUE. Pearson VUE is an authorized testing provider for many professional certification and licensure exams.
What is the Recommended Experience for SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The Recommended Experience for SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is:
- Experience with Spring Framework (2 years)
- Working knowledge of Java, XML, and web technologies
- Understanding of SOA, integration, and enterprise application architectures
- Experience with object-oriented development
- Knowledge of application servers and web containers
- Understanding of the CoreSpringV3.2 modules and components
What are the Prerequisites of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The Prerequisite for the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is that you must have experience developing applications with the Spring Framework.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The official website for the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam does not provide any information about the expected retirement date. You can contact SpringSource directly for more information.
What is the Difficulty Level of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The difficulty level of the SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam is moderate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam is a certification track and roadmap for developers and architects who want to demonstrate their expertise in developing and deploying applications with the Spring Framework. The exam covers topics such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data, and Spring Boot. It also covers topics such as JPA, Hibernate, and RESTful web services. Successful completion of the exam will demonstrate the candidate's knowledge of the Spring Framework and its associated technologies.
What are the Topics SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam Covers?
The SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 exam covers the following topics:
1. Core Spring Framework: This section covers the basics of the Spring Framework, including the core features and components, such as dependency injection, AOP, and the Spring container.
2. Data Access: This section covers the data access technologies supported by Spring, such as JDBC, ORM, and OXM.
3. Web Services: This section covers the web services technologies supported by Spring, such as REST and SOAP.
4. Messaging: This section covers the messaging technologies supported by Spring, such as JMS and AMQP.
5. Security: This section covers the security technologies supported by Spring, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption.
6. Testing: This section covers the testing technologies supported by Spring, such as unit testing, integration testing, and mocking.
What are the Sample Questions of SpringSource CoreSpringV3.2 Exam?
1. What are the core components of the Spring Framework?
2. What is the purpose of the ApplicationContext in Spring?
3. How does dependency injection work in Spring?
4. What is the difference between a bean factory and an application context in Spring?
5. What are the advantages of using Spring AOP?
6. How does Spring MVC work?
7. What is the purpose of the DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC?
8. What is the difference between @Controller and @Service annotations in Spring MVC?
9. What is the purpose of the @RequestMapping annotation in Spring MVC?
10. How does Spring Security work?
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