Selenium WebDriver With Java - POM Grid Maven Jenkins Interviews: Selenium WebDriver With Java - POM, Grid, Maven, Jenkins, Interviews
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237 Lectures
36h 17m 33s
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Curriculum For This Course
- 1. Why Selenium? 8m 22s
- 2. Selenium WebDriver Architecture - How WebDriver Works? 7m 48s
- 1. Overview and Install Java 4m 52s
- 2. Java Environment Setup - Mac 5m 58s
- 3. Java Environment Setup - Windows 3m 40s
- 4. Install Eclipse - Windows 4m 40s
- 5. Eclipse Installation - Mac 2m 38s
- 6. Selenium IDE - Important Update 7m 55s
- 7. Install Selenium IDE And First Script 6m 57s
- 8. Firebug and Firepath Installation 3m 9s
- 1. First Program and Some Tips 10m 57s
- 2. Variables And Data Types 14m 24s
- 3. Reference Data Type - Strings Example 10m 57s
- 4. String Methods - Part 1 10m 26s
- 5. String Methods - Part 2 8m 22s
- 6. Arrays 15m 43s
- 1. Methods Introduction 9m 12s
- 2. Methods - Practical Example 10m 34s
- 3. Understanding Return Type 10m 2s
- 4. Class Introduction 10m 43s
- 5. Getters-Setters And This Keyword - Part 1 10m 54s
- 6. Getters-Setters And This Keyword - Part 2 9m 17s
- 7. Getters-Setters And This Keyword - Part 3 3m 42s
- 8. Constructors 10m 53s
- 1. Conditional Statement 10m 7s
- 2. Switch Statement 9m 34s
- 3. While Loop 14m 43s
- 4. For Loops 9m 49s
- 1. Practice Exercise With Solution + *** Interview Question *** 9m 10s
- 2. Practice Exercise + Interview Question -> Reverse Characters Of A String 2m 11s
- 3. Practice Exercise + Interview Solution -> Reverse Characters Of A String 9m 11s
- 1. Inheritance 15m 23s
- 2. Access Modifiers and Packages 17m 24s
- 3. Abstract Class - Abstraction Part 1 15m 6s
- 4. Interface - Abstraction Part 2 12m 44s
- 5. Method Overloading 14m 15s
- 6. More On Method Overloading 3m 58s
- 7. Method Overriding 11m 47s
- 8. Exceptions - Checked 17m 21s
- 9. Exceptions - RunTime 10m 2s
- 10. Reading Properties File 7m 49s
- 1. Setup Selenium 2.x Environment -> If you are using Selenium WebDriver 2 Version 6m 51s
- 2. Setup Selenium 3.x Environment 3m 48s
- 3. Selenium 3.x Update 6m 21s
- 4. Running Tests On Firefox with Selenium 2.x 4m 29s
- 5. Running Tests On Firefox With Selenium 3.x 6m 34s
- 6. Desired Capabilities Introduction 7m 9s
- 7. Running Tests On Google Chrome 9m 15s
- 8. Running Tests On Internet Explorer 10m 2s
- 9. Resolving IE Related Issues 3m 58s
- 10. Running Tests On Safari 6m 24s
- 11. *** Interview Questions *** 2m 27s
- 1. Find Elements Using ID And XPATH 8m 10s
- 2. Find Elements Using Name 4m 25s
- 3. Find Elements Using LinkText And PartialLinkText 7m 58s
- 4. Find Elements Using ClassName 6m 17s
- 5. Find Elements Using TagName And *** Interview Question *** 6m 13s
- 1. Using Ids With CSS Selectors To Find Elements 9m 22s
- 2. Using Multiple CSS Classes To Find Elements 11m 17s
- 3. Using Wildcards With CSS Selectors 11m 9s
- 4. Finding Child Nodes Using CSS Selectors 6m 58s
- 1. Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath 11m 49s
- 2. How to Build An Effective Xpath 5m 24s
- 3. Using Text To Build An Effective Xpath 7m 27s
- 4. Build Xpath Using Contains Keyword 6m 14s
- 5. Build Xpath Using Starts-With Keyword 7m 50s
- 6. How To Find Parent and Sibling Nodes 6m 37s
- 7. Exercise With Solution + *** Interview Question *** 10m 33s
- 1. Generating WebDriver Code Using Selenium IDE 13m 13s
- 2. Assert vs Verify - Selenium IDE Commands 4m 17s
- 1. JUnit Introduction 8m 21s
- 2. How To Click And Type On A Web Element 13m 58s
- 3. How To Navigate Between Web Pages 15m 58s
- 4. How To Find The State Of A Web Element (Disabled And Enabled Elements) 9m 59s
- 5. Radio Buttons And CheckBoxes 13m 45s
- 6. Working With List Of Elements 11m 37s
- 7. Understanding Dropdown Elements 4m 53s
- 8. Working With A Dropdown Element *** Practical Example *** 9m 25s
- 9. Understanding Multiple Select Elements 3m 32s
- 10. Working With Multiple Select *** Practical Example *** 8m 30s
- 11. How To Work With Hidden Elements 4m 58s
- 12. Working With Hidden Elements *** Practical Example *** 10m 13s
- 1. How To Get The Text On Element 6m 17s
- 2. How To Get Value Of Element Attribute 5m 58s
- 3. Generic Method To Find Elements 12m 2s
- 4. Generic Method To Find Element List 6m 21s
- 5. How To Check If Element Is Present 8m 54s
- 6. Generic Methods -> Code Refactoring 5m 49s
- 1. Implicit Wait Vs Explicit Wait 10m 59s
- 2. Implicit Wait *** Practical Example *** 6m 30s
- 3. Explicit Wait *** Practical Example *** 8m 39s
- 4. Generic Method To Work With Explicit Wait - Part 1 10m 25s
- 5. Generic Method To Work With Explicit Wait - Part 2 7m 19s
- 6. *** Interview Questions *** 5m 37s
- 1. Calendar Selection - working with date pickers 8m 36s
- 2. Calendar Selection *** Practical Example *** 4m
- 3. Calendar Selection *** Real Time Example *** 6m 36s
- 4. Autocomplete 9m 35s
- 5. Executing JavaScript Commands 8m 35s
- 6. How To Find Size Of The Window 5m 7s
- 7. How To Scroll Element Into View 8m 29s
- 8. Capturing screenshots of a web page 12m 14s
- 1. How To Switch Window Focus 10m 47s
- 2. Switch To Window *** Practical Example *** 8m 20s
- 3. How To Work With IFrames 10m 37s
- 4. Switch To IFrame *** Practical Example *** 7m 56s
- 5. Handling JavaScript Popup 9m 20s
- 1. Mouse Hover Actions 9m 17s
- 2. How To Drag And Drop Element On A Web Page 7m 36s
- 3. Working With Sliders Actions 6m 9s
- 1. Automation Framework Introduction 14m 30s
- 2. Page Object Model 15m 10s
- 3. Creating Object Repository and Page Class 9m 56s
- 4. Page Factory 15m 56s
- 5. Find all links on a web page - BONUS 14m 58s
- 1. Log4j2 Introduction 10m 31s
- 2. Using Default Configuration 9m 35s
- 3. Using Configuration File - Console Logging 10m 20s
- 4. Using Configuration File - File Logging 10m 34s
- 5. Working With Custom Loggers 6m 15s
- 6. Test Case Example Using Log4j2 6m 2s
- 1. TestNG Introduction 5m 23s
- 2. TestNG Setup 8m 26s
- 3. How To Add TestNG JavaDoc 6m 10s
- 1. First TestNG Class - Test Annotation 9m 50s
- 2. TestNG Asserts 14m 3s
- 3. TestNG Soft Asserts 8m 1s
- 4. Method And Class Annotations 8m 36s
- 5. Running A Test Suite 11m 52s
- 6. BeforeSuite And AfterSuite Annotations 7m 49s
- 7. BeforeTest And AfterTest Annotations 8m 49s
- 1. Prioritizing Test Methods In A Desired Sequence 5m 1s
- 2. How To Group Test Methods - Part 1 8m 51s
- 3. How To Group Test Methods - Part 2 4m 44s
- 4. Understanding Dependent Test Methods 10m 29s
- 5. How To Disable And Timeout Test Methods 5m 49s
- 6. How To Preserve Order Of Execution 6m 39s
- 1. How To Provide Parameters To Test Methods 12m 17s
- 2. How To Run Tests In Parallel 9m 22s
- 1. TestNG Pracitce Exercise Question 2m 25s
- 2. Practice Exercise Solution - Selenium WebDriver Practical Example 10m 39s
- 1. DataProviders - Part 1 8m 24s
- 2. DataProviders - Part 2 4m 43s
- 1. ITestResult Interface 8m 26s
- 1. IInvokedMethodListener 14m 1s
- 2. ITestListener 16m 6s
- 3. ISuiteListener 6m 21s
- 4. TestNG Listeners - Code Refactoring 6m 27s
- 1. TestNG Reporters And Logs 12m 19s
- 1. Advanced Reporting Introduction And Features 8m 26s
- 2. Advanced Reporting - Practical Example 11m 41s
- 3. Attaching Screenshots To Advanced Reports 8m 31s
- 4. Multiple Test Cases *** Practical Example *** 9m 10s
- 5. Reporting With Page Object Model 11m 6s
- 6. Exercise With Solution *** Homework *** 7m 25s
- 1. Data Driven Testing Setup 7m 3s
- 2. Reading Data From Excel File 10m 5s
- 3. Reading Multiple Data Sets From Excel File 8m 16s
- 4. Multiple Data Sets Test Case *** Practical Example *** 14m 27s
- 5. Writing Data To Excel File 8m 39s
- 1. Firefox Profiles Introduction 5m 26s
- 2. Using Firefox Profile In Web Automation Code 6m 2s
- 3. Chrome Options - Bring Up Chrome With Extensions 10m 4s
- 1. File Upload Windows - Robot 10m 9s
- 2. File Upload Mac - Robot 9m 33s
- 3. AutoIT Installation And Finder Tool 5m 36s
- 4. File Upload Windows - AutoIT 10m 54s
- 5. Handling Windows Authentication Using AutoIT 9m 16s
- 1. WebDriver Event Listener - Part 1 7m 11s
- 2. WebDriver Event Listener - Part 2 7m 15s
- 1. Selenium Grid Introduction 7m 21s
- 2. Hub And Nodes Configuration - Part 1 14m 6s
- 3. Hub And Nodes Configuration - Part 2 11m 24s
- 4. Grid Configuration Using JSON File - Part 1 11m 23s
- 5. Grid Configuration Using JSON File - Part 2 5m 27s
- 6. Running Test Case On Selenium Grid Environment 14m 23s
- 7. Real Time Practical Example Of Selenium Grid 17m 12s
- 1. Maven Features and Advantages 7m 54s
- 2. Setup and Installation (MAC and Windows) 14m 12s
- 3. Creating And Importing Maven Project 11m 53s
- 4. Maven Local And Central Repositories 8m 54s
- 5. POM Explanation - Core Of Maven 19m 6s
- 6. Build Lifecycle And Maven Commands 16m 17s
- 7. Maven Project Migration 9m 11s
- 8. Maven TestNG Integration And Maven Profiles 15m 25s
- 9. Where To Find TestNG Reports In Maven? 5m 59s
- 1. Jenkins Features And Advantages 8m 9s
- 2. Jenkins Setup And Installation 5m 36s
- 3. Jenkins Configuration 7m 1s
- 4. Securing Jenkins 6m 15s
- 5. Jenkins Plugins Management 4m 29s
- 6. Jenkins Git Integration 2m 50s
- 7. Building A Maven Project Using Jenkins 6m 38s
- 8. Building A Freestyle Project Using Jenkins 6m 17s
- 9. Building A Remote Project Using Git And Jenkins 6m 54s
- 10. Jenkins Scheduling Builds On A Git Repository 12m 16s
- 1. Testing MySql And Oracle 14m 9s
- 2. Testing MongoDB 14m 41s
- 1. Performance Testing Going The System Way 12m 57s
- 2. Performance Testing By Making A StopWatch 8m 45s
- 1. Features And Advantages 8m 44s
- 2. An Example Of Cucumber Template 4m 44s
- 3. Cucumber Eclipse Plugin Installation 2m 10s
- 4. Downloading Cucumber Jars 7m 21s
- 5. Setting Up Cucumber Project 4m 26s
- 6. Selenium Login Test 7m 6s
- 7. Understanding The Feature File 7m 33s
- 8. Gherkin Keywords Explanation 10m
- 9. Running The Tests Using Feature File 9m 50s
- 10. Understanding Cucumber Options 5m 56s
- 11. Converting Selenium Test To Cucumber With Step Definition 11m 29s
- 1. Sauce Labs Introduction 6m 32s
- 2. How To Get Access Key 4m 20s
- 3. Sauce Labs Practical Example 5m 40s
- 1. Array List 12m 11s
- 2. Linked List 7m 22s
- 3. Array List vs Linked List *** Interview Question *** 10m 8s
- 4. Sets 10m 57s
- 5. Maps 8m 45s
- 6. Different Kind Of Maps *** Interview Question *** 10m 36s
- 1. Log4j Introduction 15m 34s
- 2. Log4j Console Appenders 9m 30s
- 3. Configuring Properties File 15m 48s
- 4. Test Case Using Logging Infrastructure 11m 21s
- 5. Appenders Initialization Issues Of Log4j 7m 10s
- 1. TestNG Introduction 14m 24s
- 2. Running Test Suite 12m 58s
- 3. Grouping Tests 10m 7s
- 4. Dependent Tests 9m 39s
- 5. Prioritizing Tests 8m 37s
- 6. Reporters And Asserts 18m 55s
- 7. Parameters And DataProviders 18m 41s
- 8. Multiple Browsers And Parallel Tests 12m 10s
- 9. Listeners 19m 53s
- 10. MultiThreading And Parallel Tests 14m 45s
- 11. Taking Screenshot On Test Failure - Part 1 9m 39s
- 12. Taking Screenshot On Test Failure - Part 2 5m 1s
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