Comprehensive Selenium WebDriver Course
Best Seller
256 Lectures
41h 11m 19s
Prepare for your Microsoft examination with our training course. The No_code course contains a complete batch of videos that will provide you with profound and thorough knowledge related to Microsoft certification exam. Pass the Microsoft No_code test with flying colors.
Curriculum For This Course
- 1. Social proof for BEST SELLER in Selenium Category?**(Must Watch)** 7m 33s
- 2. Selenium History 7m 3s
- 1. Java Installation 13m 8s
- 2. Eclipse Installation ,confiugaration 5m 28s
- 3. Downloading and configuring Selenium 3.6 version 5m 59s
- 4. Brush up basic java concepts -1 8m 34s
- 5. Brush up basic Java concepts -2 8m 32s
- 6. Brush up basic java concepts -3 17m 53s
- 7. How to fix the errors in the java code?(** Must watch lecture**) 15m 2s
- 1. Migrating to Webdriver latest Version 8m 34s
- 2. Selenium 2.0 Webdriver Architecture 6m 29s
- 3. webdriver Interface explanation and Invoking Browser 8m 2s
- 4. Selenium 3 Latest version configuration changes - *New* 13m 49s
- 5. Basic Methods of Webdriver 12m 35s
- 6. How to run tests in Google Chrome 8m 47s
- 7. How to run tests in Internet Explorer 6m 54s
- 8. How to run tests in Safari Browser 10m 23s
- 1. Browser Addons overview to identify elements 5m 51s
- 2. Installing Firebug & Firepath Addons 2m 15s
- 3. Locator Techniques-1 Xpath identification using Firepath 10m 29s
- 4. Locator Techniques-2 Name ,ID, ClassName 9m 6s
- 5. Locator Techniques -3 : LinkText,-Handling links 6m 46s
- 6. writing Customized xpath Using Attributes-1 10m 21s
- 7. Writing cutomized xpath -2 :Using Tagnames Traversing 9m 45s
- 8. Interview Ques -1 3m 51s
- 9. Interview Ques -2 8m 4s
- 1. Difference between Relative and absolute xpath? 11m 19s
- 2. How to identify siblings and traverse back to parent nodes with xpath? 11m 48s
- 3. Identifying objects with Text using xpath locators 8m
- 4. Css Selectors locators 15m 25s
- 5. Tricks and tips in identifying objects -INTERVIEW preparation 10m
- 1. Handling Static dropdowns with Select webdriver API 13m 27s
- 2. Handle Dynamic dropdowns with Webdriver API 17m 33s
- 3. Handling Checkboxes with webdriver API 7m 54s
- 4. Handling Radiobuttons with Customized xpath 12m 28s
- 5. Handling Radiobutton dynamically- real time examples 15m 54s
- 6. Types of Alerts present and Methods to handle them 7m 21s
- 7. Handling Java Alerts using Webdriver API 8m 13s
- 8. Web Elements Validation -1 7m 11s
- 9. Web Elements Validation - 2 10m 11s
- 10. Web Elements Validation -3 9m 38s
- 11. End to End Practise Exercise - 1 8m 33s
- 12. End to End Practise Continued.. 10m 4s
- 13. ***INTERVIEW QUESTIONS*** 8m 28s
- 1. What is Implicit wait? Explain with real time scenario 11m 44s
- 2. What is explicit wait? Explain with real time scenario 12m 18s
- 3. Practical examples on Implicit wait 12m 56s
- 4. Practical examples on explicit waits 13m 52s
- 1. Handling Ajax/Mouse Interactions 11m 9s
- 2. Actions class-real time example 11m 27s
- 3. Handling Multiple Windows 6m 50s
- 4. Window Handle concepts-real time example 10m
- 5. Live Example on working with Child windows 4m 47s
- 6. How to handle Frames? 11m
- 7. Frames Techniques-real time example 14m 9s
- 1. Test Cases- Practise Exercise 3m 57s
- 2. Exercise 1.1-Limiting Webdriver scope 11m 8s
- 3. Getting Count of links int the pages,sections 10m 31s
- 4. Testcases-Practise Exercise-2 3m 39s
- 5. Exercise 2.1-Dynamic data in Websites 9m 31s
- 6. Exercise 2.2-Dynamic Links Handling 16m 8s
- 7. Exercise 2.3-Validations & checkpoints 7m 32s
- 8. Handling calendar UI in Travel websites 14m 36s
- 9. Generic method to handle calendar with month and date 17m 2s
- 10. Solved example on calendar methods 3m 55s
- 1. Problem - Description 8m 3s
- 2. Idenitifying frames from Html view 9m 28s
- 3. Element Hidden or Invisible-How to validate 9m 36s
- 4. Writing Generic functions to Identify Frames/Windows 10m 34s
- 5. Example Demonstrating Multiple Frames 8m 53s
- 6. Handling Auto suggestive dropdown options 10m 50s
- 7. Dynamic data loading- Excpetion Techniques 7m 14s
- 1. How to handle table Grids in webpage 16m 20s
- 2. Techniques used for table grid-Real time example 16m 35s
- 3. Handling HTTPS certifications 11m 54s
- 4. SSL certifications code 7m 22s
- 5. Maximizing window and deleting cookies 12m 27s
- 6. How to take Screenshots in Selenium 4m 37s
- 7. Killing the Process and Cookies using Selenium 9m 27s
- 8. Customized way of identifying locators - 1 9m 31s
- 9. Customized way of identifying locators - 2 9m 31s
- 1. How to execute Selenium Tests Remotly 6m 14s
- 2. Grid Concepts & Architecure 7m 43s
- 3. Configuring Hub and Node-1 7m 59s
- 4. Registering Nodes with Hub Server 6m 38s
- 5. Desired Capabilities-Grid Program 12m 32s
- 6. Execution Selenium scripts in Remote Machine 2m 32s
- 1. Installing Android Studio and Java 11m 47s
- 2. Configuring System variables for both Android SDK and Java 8m 14s
- 3. Configuring Virtual Mobile device for running tests 12m 1s
- 4. Downloading Node.js and install Appium via npm 13m 34s
- 5. Important information on Appium versions 7m 21s
- 6. Configuring Appium Java client jars for frontEnd execution 12m 14s
- 7. What are Desired capabilities? How to talk to appium server 13m 9s
- 8. Invoking Android Driver- Creating base program 12m 41s
- 9. Execution of Appium first program on Mobile Native APP 7m 58s
- 10. UIAutomator tool usage-Inspection of elements 16m 13s
- 1. Framework Learning Plan****Must Watch Lecture***** 10m 5s
- 1. Why TestNG and Its Advantages 3m 46s
- 2. TestNG Installation and Setup in Eclipse 4m 25s
- 3. TestNG Annotations Part -1 11m 34s
- 4. TestNG Annotations Part-2 13m 9s
- 5. TestNG Annotations Part-3 12m 2s
- 6. Prioritizing the tests using TestNG 7m 46s
- 7. Disabling Enabling the Testcases and putting Timeout 6m 25s
- 8. Importance of TestNG xml file 8m 15s
- 9. Including and excluding the Testcases from Execution with TestNG xml file 11m 27s
- 10. Importance of Groups in TestNG 8m 7s
- 11. Data driving Testing with TestNG 11m 55s
- 12. DataProvider Annotation -Parameterizing Testcases 5m 29s
- 13. Parameterising from TestNG xml file 8m 45s
- 1. Why we should not hard code the data? 6m 33s
- 2. How to write Global parameters with java code 10m 22s
- 3. Data driving parametirization from Properties file 10m 11s
- 4. How to deal with Reusable Components 6m 37s
- 5. what is Apace POI API & Download Instructions 6m 45s
- 6. Excel API Methods explanation 10m 15s
- 7. Program for Retreiving data from excel 9m 25s
- 8. Program for Updating data back to excel 7m 44s
- 1. Importance of Maven in Framework development 10m 58s
- 2. Installing and configuring Maven 11m 4s
- 3. Understanding Terminologies of Maven 15m 53s
- 4. Creating Maven Project and importing into eclipse 11m 5s
- 5. Understanding POM.xml file and its dependencies 13m 10s
- 6. Importance of surefirePlugin in executing Tests 13m 8s
- 7. Integration of Testng with Maven 12m 28s
- 8. Switching the Tests with Maven profiling 10m 41s
- 1. Importance of Jenkins in Test frameworks 10m 42s
- 2. Install and configure Jenkins 10m 45s
- 3. Configuring Jenkin Settings and Workspace 12m 18s
- 1. Testng Reporting Plugin into Jenkin jobs 17m 12s
- 1. What is log4j? its usage in Selenium framework 9m 1s
- 2. Importing log4j into Eclipse project 14m 29s
- 3. Importance of log4j xml file 10m 52s
- 4. Understanding the xml file to control logging in Testcase 14m 51s
- 5. Testcase logging with log4j example-1 16m 29s
- 6. Testcase logging with log4j example continued... 6m 36s
- 1. What is Page object model? 3m 41s
- 2. Creating Page object Constructor in classes 6m 58s
- 3. Object repository Mechanism 8m 24s
- 4. Practical Exercise explaining Pageobject Model 12m 45s
- 5. Page object Factory and its advantages 13m 37s
- 6. Page factory annotations FindBy 12m 55s
- 7. Practical Example explaining Page factory Model 2m 12s
- 1. Create Maven Test project with eclipse integration 12m 13s
- 2. Configure Framework dependencies in POM.xml 17m 7s
- 3. Design base Test with global variables setup 19m
- 4. Implement Pageobject Mechanism to drive tests 18m 31s
- 5. Create Multiple tests with centralized data 14m 12s
- 6. Parameterizing the Tests with mutiple data with TestNG 14m 44s
- 7. Asserting the Testcases with validations 15m 53s
- 8. Adding Tests to Suite in framework guidelines 14m 51s
- 9. Converting Framework into Testng and configuring TestNG xm file 8m 11s
- 10. Configutring Tests with setup and Teardown in TestNG framework 10m 21s
- 11. Integrating Log4j logging API into Framework 14m 22s
- 12. Fixing the framework issues by tweaking TestNG xml file 9m 12s
- 13. Screenshots on failure- TestNG Listeners 16m 45s
- 14. Excellent HTML reports on Test Execution 15m 27s
- 1. mysql download instructions 7m 29s
- 2. mySQL server connection procedure 5m 26s
- 3. Creating Database in mysql server 4m 47s
- 4. Creating Tables in Databases 8m 1s
- 5. Inserting records into table 7m 55s
- 6. Jdbc odbc connection overview 7m 55s
- 7. Integration of Database with JDBC API 7m 3s
- 8. Steps to conect Database info to Selenium - 1 16m 48s
- 1. Java first program basics 8m 34s
- 2. Java program principles 8m 32s
- 3. Classes, objects in Java 17m 53s
- 4. Strings in Java 15m 54s
- 5. Strings practise exercises 9m 22s
- 6. Coding Basics-1 10m 37s
- 7. Coding Basics-2 10m 21s
- 8. Inheritance Concepts 7m 5s
- 9. Practical usage of Inheritance 9m 28s
- 10. Interface Concepts 5m 43s
- 11. Practical Usage of Interface 7m 54s
- 12. Runtime Polymorphisim 8m 4s
- 13. Introduction to Arrays 8m 56s
- 14. Single dimensional and Multidimensional arrays usage 12m 37s
- 15. Examples of Arrays 7m 46s
- 16. Array interview questions 12m 46s
- 17. Programming example 18m 30s
- 18. Reverse string -Interview question 9m 22s
- 19. Date class concepts 10m 47s
- 20. working with calendar objects in java 6m 23s
- 21. Access modifiers basics 4m 4s
- 22. How constructor play a crucial role 7m 12s
- 23. Types of constructors and their usage 9m 58s
- 24. What is super keyword ? 6m 47s
- 25. super keyword practical usage 5m 35s
- 26. importance of this keyword 6m 9s
- 27. Final keyword in Java 8m 28s
- 28. Packages and their usage in OOPS 6m 31s
- 29. Types of packages and how they will help in real time 8m 38s
- 30. Importance of access modifiers 7m 38s
- 31. Difference between public and private modifers-With Examples 10m 54s
- 32. Different kind of exceptions 9m 40s
- 33. Try catch Mechanism to handle exceptions 7m 7s
- 34. Importance of finally block in java 6m 10s
- 1. What are Java collections 6m 12s
- 2. Implementation of Arrays List 11m 28s
- 3. Examples of ArrayList 5m 24s
- 4. Implementation of Set interface 8m 26s
- 5. Examples of HashSet using Iterator 8m 38s
- 6. Implementation of Map interface 16m 56s
- 7. Difference between HashMap and HashTable (Interview ) 5m 32s
- 8. Practise Exercise : Priniting unique number- Amazon interview ques 17m 40s
- 1. Template in writing Business requirements 6m 23s
- 2. QA role in BDD 8m 48s
- 3. Template in writing testcases for Business Scenarios 6m 36s
- 4. Advantages of BDD, Why it is getting popular 8m 3s
- 5. Cucumber Framework Installation 4m 30s
- 6. Designing Cucumber Feature file 4m 26s
- 7. Cucumber Step definition file 11m 13s
- 8. End to end Automation on BDD feature file 6m 53s
- 9. End to end testing Continued - 2 10m 28s
- 10. Cucumber Parametarization of Testcases - 1 8m 11s
- 11. Cucumber Parametarization of Testcases - 2 9m 11s
- 1. What is Build Management tool? 6m 29s
- 2. Installing & configuring ANT 9m 16s
- 3. Understanding Build.xml file 9m 41s
- 4. Different ANT Commands to trigger framework 8m 33s
- 5. What Execution reports we need to impress clients? 4m 30s
- 6. Downloading and Configuring Xslt reports 6m 27s
- 7. Why Jenkins? and where it going to help us in Framework design? 6m 16s
- 8. Installing & Configuring Jenkins with Java and ANT 7m 39s
- 9. Creating Jenkins project anf integrating Existing Framework 6m 9s
- 10. Running the Framework and Scheduling it from Jenkins 8m 4s
- 1. Cloud Testing Basics and Vendors which supports them 4m 18s
- 2. Sauce Labs registration for Connectivity 8m 19s
- 1. How can we perform Load Testing on Selenium Webdriver Scripts 6m 25s
- 2. Integrating Selenium Testcases with Performance Testing tool 12m 13s
- 3. Running Selenium Testcases on Headless browser for optimal performance 4m 55s
- 1. Defect Management tool- Bugzilla 6m 40s
- 2. Bugzilla features- Logging a bug 8m 45s
- 3. Bugzilla features -Search Mechanisim for tracking bugs 6m 44s
- 4. Common practises in Bugzilla tool 8m 19s
- 5. Bugzilla preference feature 6m 40s
- 1. Appium Feautres 5m 58s
- 2. Installing Android Studio and Java 6m 23s
- 3. Configuring System variables for both Android SDK and Java 8m 59s
- 4. Downloading Eclipse and Installing ADT Plugin 8m 51s
- 5. Configuring ADT plugin settings in Eclipse 7m 1s
- 6. Configuring Appium,Selenium Jars 8m 42s
- 7. Creating Eclipse project and Configuring Appium selenium jars 5m 28s
- 8. Desired Capabalities concepts 8m 44s
- 9. Invoking Android Virtual Device 12m 19s
- 10. First Program explaining Mobile Capablities 9m 17s
- 11. Android Driver Invocation 6m 22s
- 12. Program on Invoking Apps 7m 54s
- 13. Maven Dependencies Importance 10m 13s
- 14. UI automator tool to identify objects 15m 15s
- 15. How to troubleshoot if its not invoking in firefox 5m 36s
- 16. Technique for Inspecting elements in Chrome 10m 8s
- 17. How to overcome Synchronization problems 7m 52s
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