I10-001 Exam Dumps - XML Master Basic V2
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Exam Code: I10-001
Exam Name: XML Master Basic V2
Certification Provider: XML
Certification Exam Name: XML Master Basic
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XML I10-001 Exam FAQs
Introduction of XML I10-001 Exam!
The exam I10-001 is the XML Master Professional Certification Exam. This exam tests an individual's knowledge and skills in XML-related technologies, including XML Schema, XSLT, XPath, and XQuery. It is recommended for those who have a basic understanding of XML and its related technologies, and who are looking to gain more expertise.
What is the Duration of XML I10-001 Exam?
The duration of the XML I10-001 exam is 90 minutes.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in XML I10-001 Exam?
There are 60 questions in the XML I10-001 Exam.
What is the Passing Score for XML I10-001 Exam?
The passing score for the XML I10-001 exam is 70%.
What is the Competency Level required for XML I10-001 Exam?
The XML I10-001 exam requires a basic level of competency in XML, including an understanding of the basic syntax and structure of XML documents and how to write, edit, and validate XML documents.
What is the Question Format of XML I10-001 Exam?
The XML I10-001 exam has multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and simulation questions.
How Can You Take XML I10-001 Exam?
The XML I10-001 exam is offered in both online and in-person testing centers. The online exam is offered through Prometric, a secure online testing platform. The in-person exam is offered at authorized Pearson VUE testing centers. Both versions of the exam are administered in the same way, and the same exam content is covered in both versions.
What Language XML I10-001 Exam is Offered?
The XML I10-001 Exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of XML I10-001 Exam?
The XML I10-001 exam is offered for $150 USD.
What is the Target Audience of XML I10-001 Exam?
The target audience of the XML I10-001 exam is software developers, software architects, and system integrators who have a working knowledge of XML, XML Schema, and related technologies. It is also suitable for those who need to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in designing, developing, and deploying XML applications.
What is the Average Salary of XML I10-001 Certified in the Market?
The average salary in the market after XML I10-001 certification is around $60,000 to $90,000 per year. This salary can vary depending on the company, location, and experience of the individual.
Who are the Testing Providers of XML I10-001 Exam?
The International Association of Software Architects (IASA) is the only organization that provides testing for the XML I10-001 exam. The exam is offered through Pearson VUE and is administered by IASA.
What is the Recommended Experience for XML I10-001 Exam?
The recommended experience for taking the XML I10-001 exam is to have a minimum of two years of experience working with XML technologies, such as XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, and XML Namespaces. It is also recommended to have a basic understanding of web services and web technologies, such as SOAP, WSDL, and REST. Additionally, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of relational databases and SQL.
What are the Prerequisites of XML I10-001 Exam?
The Prerequisite for the XML I10-001 Exam is a basic understanding of XML and related technologies. It is recommended that candidates have a working knowledge of XML, XSLT, XPath, and XML Schema.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of XML I10-001 Exam?
The official website for checking the expected retirement date of XML I10-001 exam is the CompTIA website at https://certification.comptia.org/certifications/xml-i10-001.
What is the Difficulty Level of XML I10-001 Exam?
The difficulty level of the XML I10-001 exam is considered to be intermediate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of XML I10-001 Exam?
The certification roadmap for the XML I10-001 Exam consists of the following:
1. Understand the basics of XML: This includes understanding XML syntax, structure, and the use of XML tags.
2. Learn XML Schema: This includes understanding the purpose of XML Schema and how to create and validate XML documents using XML Schema.
3. Understand XML Processing: This includes understanding the basics of XML processing, such as XSLT, XPath, and XQuery.
4. Learn XML Security: This includes understanding the basics of XML security, such as encryption, digital signatures, and access control.
5. Practice: This includes taking practice tests and using practice materials to prepare for the XML I10-001 Exam.
6. Take the Exam: Once you have completed the above steps, you are ready to take the XML I10-001 Exam.
What are the Topics XML I10-001 Exam Covers?
The XML I10-001 exam covers topics related to the fundamentals of XML, including:
• XML Syntax: This topic covers the basic syntax of XML, including elements, attributes, and namespaces.
• XML Schema: This topic covers the basics of XML Schema, including structure, data types, and validation.
• XML Processing: This topic covers the basics of XML processing, including parsing, serialization, and transformation.
• XML Namespaces: This topic covers the basics of XML namespaces, including their use in document structures, data types, and validation.
• XML Security: This topic covers the basics of XML security, including encryption, digital signatures, and access control.
• XML Tools: This topic covers the basics of XML tools, including editors, parsers, and validators.
What are the Sample Questions of XML I10-001 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of XML?
2. What is the relationship between XML and HTML?
3. How can XML be used to create data-driven applications?
4. What is the role of DTDs in XML documents?
5. How can XML be used to store data?
6. What are the benefits of using XML over other data formats?
7. What are the different types of XML parsers available?
8. What is the difference between a well-formed XML document and a valid XML document?
9. How can XML be used to exchange data between different systems?
10. What is the purpose of XSLT and how does it work?
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