I10-002 Exam Dumps - XML Master: Professional V2
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Exam Code: I10-002
Exam Name: XML Master: Professional V2
Certification Provider: XML
Certification Exam Name: XML Master Professional
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XML I10-002 Exam FAQs
Introduction of XML I10-002 Exam!
The I10-002 exam is an XML Master Professional Application Developer certification exam. It tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to XML application development and related technologies.
What is the Duration of XML I10-002 Exam?
The duration of the XML I10-002 exam is 2 hours.
What are the Number of Questions Asked in XML I10-002 Exam?
There are approximately 100 questions in the XML I10-002 exam.
What is the Passing Score for XML I10-002 Exam?
The passing score required for the CompTIA XML I10-002 exam is 750 on a scale of 100-900.
What is the Competency Level required for XML I10-002 Exam?
The XML I10-002 exam requires a basic to intermediate level of competency.
What is the Question Format of XML I10-002 Exam?
The XML I10-002 exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
How Can You Take XML I10-002 Exam?
The XML I10-002 exam is available online and in testing centers. The exam is offered through the XML Master Certification Program and is administered by Prometric. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and is designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of XML technologies and their ability to apply them in a variety of situations. Candidates must register for the exam and pay a fee before taking the test. They can then take the exam at a Prometric testing center or online.
What Language XML I10-002 Exam is Offered?
The XML I10-002 exam is offered in English.
What is the Cost of XML I10-002 Exam?
The cost of the XML I10-002 exam varies depending on the testing provider. Generally, the cost of the exam ranges from $150 to $200.
What is the Target Audience of XML I10-002 Exam?
The target audience for the XML I10-002 exam is software developers, web designers, and other IT professionals who need to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in creating and managing XML documents.
What is the Average Salary of XML I10-002 Certified in the Market?
The average salary for a professional with an XML I10-002 certification varies depending on the specific job and the industry in which they work. Generally speaking, the average salary for a professional with an XML I10-002 certification is around $80,000 per year.
Who are the Testing Providers of XML I10-002 Exam?
The International Association of XML Professionals (IAXML) is the official provider of the XML I10-002 exam. The exam is administered by Pearson VUE, an international testing provider.
What is the Recommended Experience for XML I10-002 Exam?
The recommended experience for the XML I10-002 exam is two to three years of experience working with XML technologies, including XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, and XML Namespaces. Candidates should also have a basic understanding of related technologies such as DTDs, XML Parsers, and XML Security.
What are the Prerequisites of XML I10-002 Exam?
The Prerequisite for the XML I10-002 Exam is an understanding of XML, XSLT, and XPath. It is also recommended that applicants have experience with XML technologies, such as XML Schema, DOM, and SAX.
What is the Expected Retirement Date of XML I10-002 Exam?
The official website for the XML I10-002 exam is the Oracle website. You can find the expected retirement date for the exam on the page for the exam here: https://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=5001&get_params=p_exam_id:1Z0-1090-20
What is the Difficulty Level of XML I10-002 Exam?
The difficulty level of the XML I10-002 exam is considered to be intermediate.
What is the Roadmap / Track of XML I10-002 Exam?
The certification roadmap for the XML I10-002 Exam consists of the following steps:
1. Review the Exam Objectives: The first step in preparing for the XML I10-002 Exam is to review the exam objectives. This will help you understand what topics are covered on the exam and which areas you need to focus on when studying.
2. Study the Materials: After you have reviewed the exam objectives, it is time to start studying the materials. This includes reading books, taking online courses, and completing practice tests.
3. Take Practice Tests: Taking practice tests is an important part of preparing for the XML I10-002 Exam. Practice tests will help you identify areas where you need to focus more attention and will give you an idea of what to expect on the actual exam.
4. Register for the Exam: Once you feel confident in your knowledge and skills, it is time to register for the exam. Make sure to register early to
What are the Topics XML I10-002 Exam Covers?
The XML I10-002 exam covers the following topics:
1. XML Fundamentals: This section covers the basic concepts of XML, including the structure of XML documents, the syntax of XML documents, and the XML namespace.
2. XML Schema: This section covers the fundamentals of XML Schema, including the structure of XML Schema documents, the syntax of XML Schema documents, and the use of XML Schema in validating XML documents.
3. XML Processing: This section covers the fundamentals of XML processing, including the use of XML parsers, the use of XPath and XSLT, and the use of XML APIs.
4. XML Security: This section covers the fundamentals of XML security, including the use of encryption, digital signatures, and access control.
5. XML Applications: This section covers the fundamentals of XML applications, including the use of XML in web services, the use of XML in databases,
What are the Sample Questions of XML I10-002 Exam?
1. What is the purpose of XML?
2. What is the difference between a DTD and an XML Schema?
3. What is the purpose of XSLT?
4. What is the purpose of XPath?
5. How can you validate an XML document against a DTD?
6. How can you transform an XML document into an HTML document?
7. How can you access an XML document using JavaScript?
8. What are namespaces and why are they important in XML?
9. What are the differences between XML and HTML?
10. What is the purpose of an XML parser?
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